Death Cafe where do we go?
Posted by Nigel George on Sept. 15, 2013, 2:03 p.m. 17 comments
Jon has done a fantastic job with the Death Cafe and this new website is just a further example of all the time and effort he had devoted to the project. But what about us Death Cafe Practioners? I hadnt thought of myself as a practitioner before but hey. So is it time for those who are passionate about the Death Cafe to step up to the plate? Should we look to hold a Death cafe for Death Cafe Practitioners?
Death Cafe practitioner
Have you been able to agree on a name for the host/facilitator?
I say I am the host, I hold Death Cafes which I also facilitate. I invite others to facilitate alongside me so that every table (of 6-9participants) has someone who 'holds' the conversation and helps with time keeping and all that a good facilitator does. Afterwards we meet up and discuss how the evening went. I am happy to change various aspects of running the evening, to be creative and experiment, but this part of it feels important to me and I don't want to change. It gradually developed this way as the numbers of participants grew. I think it is a good format.
A Death Cafe practitioners gathering in London? In late September? I am happy with that!
Josefine Speyer (based in London)

I am absolutely intrigued by the concept of death cafes and would love to host one here in NJ, near or in Princeton. My sentiments echo those of others who would appreciate a gathering of "hosts" or will-be get tips, suggestions, cautions and other pearls of wisdom to help ensure a positive experience for those who attend. Perhaps someone amongst us is capable and willing to set up a site in which hosts can chat with one another to get needed assistance, ideas and support. I am about to open a cafe...but, with great trepidation - having never spoken to anyone who has already walked the walk.
Posted by Laurie Dinerstein-Kurs
Thanks for the kind words Nigel! I'm glad you like the new site.
Yes, the name 'practitioners' is more than a bit clunky and I am happy to change it, but it's best to do this sooner rather than later or it will get difficult! Any suggestions welcome.

I've always dreamed that we could have a conference of sorts for all of us Death Cafe hosts! I think it would be so cool to all meet up, share ideas and have a Death Cafe together! I know this would be hard since we're all over the world, but still a very cool idea! - Megan Mooney
Posted by Death Cafe St. Joe/ Megan MooneyLondon would be wonderful but there is always the timing surrounding the ADEC conference in Baltimore next year ???
Posted by Death Cafe Baltimore with Valerie & Monica.I vote for London as well :)
Posted by Death Cafe St. Joe/ Megan MooneyHow about death cafe hosts rather than practitioners? Some participants I spoke with recently weren't sure what a facilitator was either.
Posted by Sharon
London's good for me too :)
@ Sharon - yes, hosts may well be better. In the new guide I have sketched out 2 roles, hosts and facilitators. By 'Death Cafe practitioners' I was really meaning both of these.

Sounds like London it is! :)
Posted by Death Cafe St. Joe/ Megan MooneyLooking for first liners... to open death cafe conversations... such as "What do you experience when you think of your mortality?" or "Is death an ending for you?" or "when did you really start looking at your own death?"
Posted by carole
Hi Jon
Would love to join in a Death Cafe hosts reflection session. Our Oxfordshire Death Cafes have left a lasting impression with the people we work with and there is a lot more we could be doing to keep the conversations going. Maybe an online meet up would be a start?
Posted by Joan Gardner (OxBEL)
I think that London would be nice but for those of us over the pond could we consider doing it via skype? We might have to get up a bit early or go to bed late but it would be fun to be involved.
Posted by Nanette Wilkins
London please...always London!
Posted by Cindy Maril
Several DeathCafe hosts are also ADEC for those who can get to the ADEC conference in Baltimore, we will definitely gather there.
Posted by lizzy miles
death cafe facilatator
IAm member of ADEC also CT and a bunch of other initials
Baltimore for ADEC london for any thing
Posted by nancy
Death Café New York City
Yes to a gathering in London, late September, early October would be lovely!
I refer to myself as "host", as facilitator seems to indicate to folks that there will be a presentation. I like "practitioner" but I don't think it would apply to all who hold a Death Café.
Posted by Audrey Pellicano