Why I Talk About Death
Posted by Kate Brassington on Oct. 10, 2013, 12:02 p.m. 4 comments
Why would anyone want to talk about death? This video gives one person's answer to that question. If you're reading this, something about the Death Cafe movement spoke to you. Maybe you've been part of this conversation for awhile, or maybe you've just discovered it. But in any case, you have something to add to the discussion. And your own reason/s for joining it. So... why do YOU talk about death?
This is amazing
Thank you so much Kate! I love this video so much I have added it to the About Death Cafe page.
Thanks for raising the question of why to talk about death. Personally I share many of your reasons. Fundamentally I guess my belief is that talking about death has a *big* part to play in making a better world. I hope this is the case!
Thanks again.

Organizer DC Seattle
This video really drew me in. I found it visually interesting with your narration. I have been using "Meet up" to manage our events, and today I was able to send your video to about 100 members of our 2 local Death Café groups.
Thank you so much.
Posted by Paige Lewis
temporarily living person
Thank you so much for this poignant, honest, beautiful piece about death! Your visuals, your lovely narration, everything about it drew me in and made me feel more human. I too believe that as we contemplate death, we will embrace more about life, both of these are sacred. It's beautiful to not be alone in this!
Posted by Ruth Wren