Dying in chains: why do we treat sick prisoners like this?
Posted by Jon Underwood on Nov. 17, 2013, 11:38 a.m. 1 comment

Shocking article about mistreatment of dying UK prisoners, in handcuffs as they die. Photo shows Michael Tyrrell photographed by his daughter the day before he died: 'How much of a security risk could a terminally ill, 65-year-old man pose? Was it necessary to have him chained up in a way most of the British public would not think fit for an animal?'
This is awful! They didn't show him any dignity whatsoever in his death. It should not matter if he's a prisoner; he's a human being. Everyone has the right to die in peace. This man was not even a serious criminal. I feel so bad for him and his family. I hope that there is a systematic change that occurs to stop these types of events from occurring again.
Posted by Death Cafe St. Joe/ Megan Mooney