Death Cafe on Radio New Zealand Spiritual Outlook
Posted by Jon Underwood on Dec. 20, 2013, 11:34 p.m. 3 comments

Feartures interviews with Jon Underwood and Nicola Carroll from Tairawhiti Hospice who organised the first Death Cafe in New Zealand in June 2013. Thanks Lisa Thompson for interviewing us and putting the programme together. [Small clarification - the project that is mentioned is not Dying Matters, but Find Me Help which is provided by Dying Matters]
Awesome Jon!
Posted by Death Cafe St. Joe/ Megan MooneyI generally don't listen to spiritual outlook for the simple reason they don't discuss religions I'm interested in.
but I was really happy and very interested in the concept of Death Café.
I have always had an interest in a death and the ways various cultures celebrate it and a fascination with a topic that will affect every living thing that has some form of consciousness. Really great discussion and well done to Nicloa for creating the first one in New Zealand.
Posted by Tim Firth
Thanks Tim. It was an interesting experience for all of us involved and it has encouraged us to hold another one this year. There are so many conversations to be had!
Posted by Nicola Carroll