pet deaths
Posted by nancy on Jan. 20, 2014, 7:05 a.m. 8 comments
Has anyone had experience with attendees wanting to talk about pet deaths? I had it come up at the last two Death Cafes.
Pet Deaths
I think this has come up at some of my previous death cafes. We didn't spend a long time talking about it. I have an article I would be happy to share that is from the Reno Gazette Journal where faith leaders from many different faiths weighed in on whether or not animals had souls from their faith's tradition. You can email me at and I'll send it to you. You may be able to go to the newspaper directly or online also.
Posted by Paula Schneider
Death of pets
We've had this come up at PDX Death Cafe's, though our events are huge, so our use of subgroups mean that each table has a unique experience. And we've never actually discussed it that I can remember as cohosts/facilitators. But when it comes up in a group I'm facilitating, I welcome it. Death is death, and to many pet owners, the death of their animal can be very comparable to any other death. I'm curious to see what others say though. Are you wondering if it should be talked about at all in a Death Cafe, or about how to respond to or engage those participants?
Posted by Kate B
Pet Death Conversations
This came up at our January Denver Death Cafe that animals are treated more humanely when it comes to end of life than humans are. This was the first time. No one has talked about having a Pet Death Cafe but I think Los Angeles is having one. Lots of people living in Denver love their animals (me included) so there's probably room for a Pet Death Cafe to pop up at some point.

Pets Mean a Lot to People
Although I have yet to attend my first Death Cafe, I know people love and worry about their pets. I am a near-death researcher, and some people who went to heaven and came back said their pets were there to meet them. Their pets are always happy and having lots of fun over there. People need to talk about the pets they lost.

anything goes
If you don't lead the conversation and let attendees drive then all kinds of loss comes up. Pet loss feelings of grief are common to hear.
Posted by Lizzy Miles
It is a bereavement
I agree, death is death and a bereavement of someone who the person was very close to is a major bereavement.
So pet deaths can well be major bereavements. I don't see the need to segregate Death Cafes and Pet Death Cafes. Sounds like Apartheid to me!
Let's stick to the topic of death.

Pet Death Cafe Being Planned
We are planning a Pet Death Cafe in partnership with our local animal shelter. With so many people spending more time with their pets over the last few years, I think the timing is right for something like this.
Posted by Janice Hummel
Pet Death Cafe
I feel strongly about a Pet Death Cafe, as I just recently lost my beloved service dog. He was 15 .5 years & 25 days old. I had him since he was 8 weeks old. To me this loss is deeper than losing a human, for me. He was with me 7/24 and now the loss is felt. I want to help others prepare for their loss as well as the process and services available for them. Grief is grief whether it be animal or human. Any suggestions I would greatly appreciate.
Posted by Lola Rose