Death Cafe Media Library
Posted by Columbus Death Cafe/Lizzy Miles on April 7, 2014, 11:50 p.m. 2 comments
Hi all, Jon and I get media requests from journalists that are writing about the Death Cafe movement as a whole. Many times they ask for photographs of Death Cafe events. It would be nice to be able to showcase the diversity of Death Cafes. If you have a high quality photograph of your Death Cafe that you have taken, suitable for publication, please email it to me (or share via cloud service) Please provide photo credit and name of Death Cafe depicted. Also, please be sure you are only submitting photos with subjects who are open to media exposure. If the picture of your event was taken by another media, we cannot use those. Categories of photos: Death Cafe Event Food served at event Death themed paraphanelia used to decorate event Death Cafe host photos If your photo is submitted for publication, we will keep an eye out for its use and will alert you as soon as we see it. Send photos and/or questions to me at lizzymiles @ gmail . com
Thanks Betsy! I agree, I am not a big fan of the skulls either. unfortunately a lot of the pictures that we have on the website are not necessarily pictures that we have 'rights' to. I also would like to have a library of event pictures, also food that is served. if you have either of those that you want to contribute, I will take them!
Posted by lizzy
I love that you are doing this Lizzy.
When I was interviewed for the newspaper article in Poland they wanted photos of my plates, cups, cake, etc that had skulls on them. I had to tell them that I don't have skulls or death images at my Cafes. My logo is a bright light and angel wings since I am from the City of Angels and I like to portray death in a more positive light. It is just my personal preference, nothing against skulls and skeletons.
The editor was so disappointed! He couldn't believe I didn't use skulls and skeletons. I found myself apologizing to him which was so funny. Seems I wasn't quite death enough. I referred him to the Death Cafe website for some images.