Finding Locations
Posted by Nancy Rhine on May 14, 2014, 8:28 p.m. 5 comments
I've had an interesting experience around organizing our second Marin Death Cafe that Teresa and I have hosted. We had the first one at my office - the Interfaith Counseling Center - which has a comfy library. We had 23 people which was quite a few for a quite evening counseling center. So I thought the next one we'll do somewhere else. A wonderful local cafe said sure! and then called back and said they had changed their minds. Then the local hospice said sure, but don't put any skulls anywhere on the flyer. And put their name down at the bottom of the flyer. A local senior center wants us to have one there late July or early August and a retirement community wants one in the fall. There are no public cafes that can accommodate 20 people in my area for no or little charge - that was my first preference so people could just buy their cake and tea :). I think some of the hesitation I'm finding from some agencies and businesses is that they kind of like the idea but get a little nervous at the same time. Understandable I guess. Anybody else relate?
Location, location, location
I think finding the right location is the hardest part of hosting. Everything else is easy-peasy. Let me know how each of those venues go. There have been Death Cafes in churches, but please note that will limit your community audience significantly. Even though you know that there is no tie to the specific religion, attendees are naturally wary of going to a church that is for a different faith than their own... and you might lose out on getting any atheists to come. Just something to think about. If you figure out a way to advertise in a way that overcomes the barriers, please do share with everyone!

Hi LIzzy! Thanks so much for your tips! I have replaced the photos in our promo blurbs with either the teapot with Death Cafe on it or the drawing of people hugging which is beautiful.
I didn't really think the skulls would turn people off but some people it definitely does.
We have found a room at the local hospice, then a local senior center wants one then a local retirement community then a church. I am not sure we will do all of those. We are, I think, experimenting with finding a home.
And I love your idea about bringing the press articles! I am going to print out all the best ones and have a packet when I go a'calling!
Meanwhile, we are on here in Marin for June 12! And I am starting to feel the excitement now that we have found a spot.
All the best,

Time and place of March meeting/thank you
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I can relate!
Imagine trying to host first one in country! It was awful. What I would do now is have copies of the significant death cafe article to show what it is. Every major newspaper in the US had had coverage as well as many NPR stories. If you show those, it adds legitimacy. We have not perfected tracking all the media but the media tab should help with finding some.
New York Times, Washington Post, USAToday, Huffington Post, Atlanta constitution Journal, etc.
Secondly, do you have any colleges nearby? A student union might be a good place. If you wanted to get really ambitious you could contact a professor to help secure. Finally, you will never see skulls in any of my adverts. I don't like it. That's the beautiful part of death cafe, you could use the old logo if you are having trouble. Hope this helps!
Posted by Lizzy miles
Times Union reporter
When you get your second cafe organized, please let me know. I would like to write a story about your efforts and the importance of these gatherings. My direct # is 454-5034. When I was in Chattanooga TN, there was a very well attended DC held in the public library conference room/ There was one cake and that was enough to feed the slightly more than a dozen attendees.
Posted by Lynda Edwards