Interview with Bernard Crettaz
Posted by Jon Underwood on Dec. 11, 2014, 1:06 a.m. 2 comments
This interview with Bernard Crettaz took place in Lausanne, Switzerland on 31st October 2014. This was the date of Bernard's last Cafe Mortels. The interpreter was Marianne Hartley. The film was produced by Mdhamiri Nkemi.
Highcliffe Death Cafe
Wonderful to listen and see the founder of Death Cafe movement and also the reason why we have more than 26 countries with Death Cafe's Ian Underwood. A huge thanks to you both.
Posted by lis Horwich
Comment from Bernard Crettaz
I just received this from Bernard's wife Elisabeth "Bernard looked on the film and liked it very much. He will see the film again after Christmas, when there is more time and tell you more about his impressions. But he asked me to give you just a little MERCI today."