Question about language
Posted by Aileen on Jan. 21, 2016, 4:53 a.m. 1 comment
Last November I was very happy to be able to hold the first Death Cafe in Linz, Austria, in a very comfortable space provided by the Kepler Salon. The practice at Kepler Salon is that all events there are free of charge and accessible to everyone, and one important point of accessibility is language. For this reason, all of my announcements and write-ups are in German, and during the Death Cafe I endeavor to make sure that everyone can follow the conversations well. I can write in both English and German, but unfortunately usually only one at a time. Is it sufficient to submit all the information on this site in German, or should I attempt to add some information in English as well?
Thanks for your question. I think it is fine to submit all the information in the your own language. The only language that is required is to have 'Death Cafe' in the title of your event.
In time it is planned for the Death Cafe site to be translated into several languages.