Qualitative research on the Death Cafe experience: looking for participants!
Posted by Death Cafe - Fremantle on Dec. 19, 2016, 10:48 p.m. 4 comments

Attention all Death Cafe participants! Possibly for the first time since its humble beginnings in September, 2011, research on your experiences of participating in the Death Cafe movement has finally arrived! For those of you haven’t heard of me, I am a Counsellor and Behavioural Scientist living in Western Australia and currently studying a Masters of Counselling at Murdoch University. I have been running the Death Cafe – Fremantle group monthly since March 2013. I am looking to interview 6-10 people who have participated in at least 3 Death Cafes (but not from my Death Cafe) on the experiences you have had. I will be interviewing you for approximately one hour via Skype, so computer, email and Skype capabilities are required. For more information on how you can contribute to this ground-breaking research, please email me at ava@passionatelifeconsulting.com. Thank you in advance, Ava Reyerson
Artistry is Spoken Here Creative Dialigues Facilitator
Please do contact me! Awesome!!
I'd like to interview you!!
Phone, Skype..?
Tom Clute
Cell 360-907-7233 USA
Blog if my personal musings
Posted by Thomas Clute
Your study interess me totally. Did you write something ? I also choose to write on this subject "café mortel. Can we met on telephone, skype... ?
I live in Paris.
Thank you !
Posted by Christine
Hi there, I am about to embark on similar research in the UK on experiences of Death Cafes. I was wondering if you ever completed this work or are still in the process? I would love to hear about how its all gone...
Posted by Tammy Fabian
Hi there, similarly to Tammy I am embarking on UK based research on death cafes and would love to know how you’ve got on, my email address is annabel.ray@ntlworld.com
Posted by Annabel Ray