Dying Well Prepared; Conversations and Choices for Terminal Patients
Posted by AlanBingham on Feb. 21, 2017, 3:47 p.m. 1 comment
A guide book to help people with the choices they need to make for end of life and the conversations they need to have. Written by a retired hospice admissions officer it covers getting the news and understanding it, the life choices you can make and who, when and how to engage in conversation. It includes information on living options, caregivers, legal and ethical wills, Power of Attorney, health care proxy, hospice, palliative care, pain management, and end of life itself. It also provides suggested language for conversations to help in articulating choices. Written primarily for the US consumer it is largely generic to all countries. Available online from amazon.com, Barnes and Noble and www.Outskirts press in both e-book (Kindle) and paperback formats.
ByAmazon Customeron January 15, 2017
Thank you for this easy to read, not too big guide for those of us who are surprised to discover that we are aging! Life can change in a moment: stroke, heart attack, broken bones, much less a terminal diagnosis and suddenly you feel unprepared; grown children are asking questions - do we have the answers? Do we even know where to begin? - And then in walks this wonderful guide covering everything imaginable and lots we've never thought of! Perhaps you have not received the "bad news" and don't need to tie up all the bits and pieces right away. Nevertheless questions are popping up. This book has also served as a great comfort in that regard. It is wonderful food for thought and allows for intelligent conversation. I have found it so useful and calming when feeling overwhelmed. Even recommended it to my daughter who is facing medical challenges from other people in her life. Our lives and this world are so complicated; it is a relief to have such an all-encompassing guide. I highly recommend this book.
Posted by P McLemore