Authentic Death Cafes revisited
Posted by Jools Barsky on Aug. 27, 2017, 5:55 a.m. 4 comments

Hi all, Since I have been managing the admin on Death Cafe and keeping a closer eye on things, it has come to my attention that the below is still an issue. Due to the growing awareness of Death Cafe and the inevitable changes we're now facing, it's more important than ever that we hold true to our principles and guidelines. So I am reposting the message below from Jon, which was issued in 2014. You can see the original here. "Hi everyone, This is a post I have put off writing for some time. Sadly there are people who are using the name Death Cafe without permission, and in certain cases with motives that I am personally not comfortable with. Please note: - Only Death Cafes listed on this site it have confirmed with us that they follow the Death Cafe guidelines and standards of behaviour. If a Death Cafe is not listed here they haven't made that committment. - There is no other website for Death Cafe apart from this one. If you find a website apart from this with the words 'deathcafe' in the web address or title it is not connected with or approved by us in any way. Many of us are working hard to keep Death Cafe consistent and ethical. This is proving a complex task! Please do help with this by: - not starting up other Death Cafe websites - reading and adhering to our guidelines - feeding back anything that concerns you. Thank you, Jon" In light of this, please do continue to get in touch if you see an event outside which you believe may not be adhering to the guidelines (which Jon updated last year and would be good to revisit). Thank you all for your continued support, Jools
Aly Dickinson
Support this message 100%. The Death Cafe Movement is wonderful and has done so much 'good'. Long may it continue and what a legacy Jon Underwood has left to be respected and upheld.
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Thank you
I am 100 percent committed to doing death cafes the way Jon wanted. I ran into a problem recently, as you know, and I have made it abundantly clear that the guidelines are solid and must be followed or death cafes will not be held in a particular location. Thanks for keeping up with Jon's work. Much appreciated.

Thank you for being so thorough and diligent, Jools. I support you in this work and will try to keep my eyes open. Jon was always consistent and considerate on this issue, and very kind and we all need to continue to follow his model of good leadership and sense of purpose. Thanks for all you do.
Posted by Merilynne Rush