Film for Death Cafe London - your help needed!
Posted by
Jon Underwood

Hi everyone :) As part of the work to develop Death Café London I have commissioned a film to be made about this project and Death Café more widely. This is being made by Mdhamiri at Cinovice. As Death Café is a community enterprise I am very keen that a wide variety of voices are heard in this film. As such I would like to invite you to film yourself and send us the results. If you’d like to do this please film yourself using a static camera such as a webcam and answer the following questions: - How you heard about Death Cafe - What made you decide to get involved - What your involvement / contribution has been - What you’ve got out of it - If you support the work to create the ‘real’ Death Café in London why this is (in one sentence). Please use the words ‘I support Death Café London because…’ Please then send your film straight to Mdhamiri. I would recommend using WeTransfer: Mdhamiri’s email is: Alternatively if you’re London based it may be possible for Mdhamiri to film you in person. Also if you have any other content that might help give a picture of this work, such as photos, videos or audio, please do send them over. Any content submitted will only be used in the context of this video. It may not be possible to include everything that’s submitted but we will try and reflect as many voices as possible. I would really encourage you to send in your film if you’re up for it. We need these by Sunday 12th October. Thank you. Jon
hopefully an opportunity like this will come around again for us all, we will be missing out on this :( . love from the south island of new zealand. first death cafe of our waka <3
Posted by u
This is an awesome idea, Jon! I will post it on FB in the morning :) Yay! I'm so excited for all of this!
Posted by Death Cafe St. Joe/ Megan Mooney
I just saw this post today, much too late to film myself for the big film. If you still have time and space for me to send something in please let me know. Maybe something can be taken from the Google Chat we had with the Australian Death Cafe facilitators?
Posted by Ava Reyerson
This is phenomenal! I'm working on my rehearsals this morning. I totally support whatever we can do to keep the momentum moving forward with ever more energy. Our work is SO needed! Thank you for taking the lead in this important work.
Posted by Paula Schneider