Vote - should we try to set up a 'real' Death Cafe in London or not?
Posted by
Jon Underwood

Should try and set up a real Death Cafe in London or not?
What a real Death Cafe consists of is set out here along with comments with a wide range of views.
If you vote yes, a business plan and community share offer will be established. If not I won't :)
* Voting is now closed *
You can see the results here
Some notes: · What is being asked here is whether setting up a ‘real’ Death Cafe is a good idea in principle. If a majority vote yes a business plan will be produced and with it a community share offer to raise the money. At this point the financial viability of the ‘real’ Death Cafe will be looked at in detail. · What a real Death Cafe consists of is set out here: A wide range of views were shared on this proposal which can be seen in the comments at the end. The full archive of posts on this subject are here: · Please only vote once per person. Voting will close at the end of January 2015. · Please leave comments and requests for further information below. Thank you. Jon :)
I voted yes.
I've known the Death Cafe' thing already for several years and always thought of going to one, but never got the chance. Having one place that is there all the time and knowing that you can just pop around and feel comfortable about it is great for all these people (like me) who might like to talk about death without having somebody looking at you like you are a weirdo. I would happily work there, too. :-)
Posted by Paola
Hey Jon,
What you have done already would be enough for the world to be forever grateful. I voted yes. However, I would create a funding source through selling Death Cafe merchandise first to have another source of revenue besides what would be raised by a campaign. Start out with some strong funding. I think the timing is good to begin the journey with brick and mortar. I would position the Cafe as a destination for travelers and test the market where you are for ongoing patronage from a local perspective. Death Cafes teach us to live our lives fully. Live it my friend.
Posted by Karen Van Dyke (San Diego)
I voted no because I think that time and energy are finite resources. I would rather see them used to promote conversation about death beyond a cafe in London. This is a large enough undertaking. Running a cafe is a real time suck.
Posted by robin taft
I think it's a really interesting idea. imagine it wouldn't be great from a business point of view but would be from social perspective.
Posted by value stangoe
I'm saying yes, but for a LIMITED time only. I think a permanent one will lose it's novelty over time. A temporary ... Six months to a year.... Death cafe will possibly create more of an impact in my view
Posted by Ian argent
Yes you should set one up in London. I for one would love to visit it.
Posted by Anne Garner
I've voted no because I think all the efforts of people around the country, to set up and run cafes where people can talk about death, are 'real'. Isn't it about spreading the word and inviting people to think positively about death in whatever forum they choose.
Posted by Polly Skerratt