The Art of Dying Well.

Posted by zeland2645

"We are born to die. This inevitable fact could lead to fatalism, although, more often, we simply fall into denial. We avoid thinking about death and stigmatize it as the greatest evil. 

If this world is all we have, then death would be the greatest evil, although life itself would become futile, a temporary illusion — grasping pleasure as it slips through our fingers. 

For a Christian, however, we are born to live. The inevitability of death remains even though it loses its terror. To be sure, it should stimulate some somber reflection on the purpose of life as a temporary sojourn, meant to lead us to our true and everlasting life in God. The Church encourages us to think about death and to prepare for it, even to the point of considering it an art."

The above quotation is from an  article titled:

"The Art of Dying and Eternal Happiness"

This is an excellent article which helps to put death and dying in its proper perspevtive, and will, no doubt, be profitable to all who read it. See the link below.