Death Cafe and Covid-19
Posted by
Jools Barsky

Hello to all our Death Cafe hosts, both new and those who have been with us for a long time. We have never in our lifetimes had to contend with such unprecedented changes to our lifestyle, and threats to our health and wellbeing. Never has there been such a need to talk about death and dying, and we are not able to meet each other face-to-face to do this, with as yet, no specified end. We would like to confirm that there should be no further face-to-face Death Cafes until we know from our Governments and World Health Organisation (WHO)/ national health authorities that it is safe to have social gatherings again. We would however like to encourage you to have virtual Death Cafes; some have been running for a considerable time and have been very successful. If you are a host with experience of virtual Death Cafes and would like to share your tips/ experience, we would encourage you to do so using the comments section below. Technology is on our side and there are a number of free ways that you could host a Death Cafe online: Zoom: a popular online platform, allowing people to use video calls to speak to a number of people at once. You can also use a phone to call through if your webcam or microphone don’t work. It’s free for 45 minutes at a time. Whatsapp: allows group calls with four people at once if you’ve all shared mobile numbers with the host Facetime: if you know all individuals are using Apple products this could be a good option Google Hangouts: app based, can be done on phone or computer, both androids and iPhones Skype: For those used to this platform which has been around for years, you may with to continue to utilise it for Death Cafes If you need to get in touch, you can contact Jools by going to the contact page of our website. Please bear in mind that I (Jools) work full-time for the NHS and there may be a short delay in my response. We hope that you, your families and loved ones remain well physically, mentally and emotionally during these trying times, and look forward to a time when these restrictions are in the past as a distant memory. All the best, Jools Barsky, Susan Barsky Reid and Donna Molloy Death Cafe Co-founders
Upcomign Death Cafe in Edinburgh Scotland
Thanks for this. I am waiting until we know a bit more about where we will all be in May, but I know it is a strong possibility that it will be held via Zoom, so this is really helpful.
Posted by Tamsin Grainger
Death Cafe
Hi I set up a cancer support group 20 years ago and are looking to set up a Death Cafe we all volunteer our services and unfortunately there is a demand for a safe place to talk about death. I love your resources fo you have any tips advice thst could be of any help to us? Best wishes
Posted by Sue
Nurse Practitioner & Death Cafe Host, Encinitas, CA, USA
Thank you for this helpful blog, and thank you for your comments about using this time to talk with our loved ones about what we would want at end of life, get things in order, and especially, thank you for the good work you are doing at NHS. I wish we had such a thing here in the US.
Posted by Lynne
Death Cafe - North Texas
Perfect to see this today. I've just sent out a message to our North Texas community to offer a virtual cafe.

Thank you, will try.
I just came to the website to cancel our Death Café, and saw this post.
Firstly, thank you for clear directions, and thank you for working for the NHS, we certainly desperately need the NHS now and I am so grateful for all who are working so hard to save lives.
Not vey it savvy, but I will try to give this a go, it's an opportunity for growth.
And for those of us who are at home self-isolating, this is also a perfect time to put our affairs in order if we haven't yet.
Thank you for a great site with a great mission.
Posted by Death Cafe Ashford
Posted by kupal ako
Nós estamos fazendo o Death Cafe virtual, pela plataforma Zoom. Estamos reunindo pessoas de várias localizações do Brasil e do exterior. Está sendo uma experiência ótima!
Jacqueline Amaral
Goiânia - Goiás
Tonight will be our fifth virtual (ZOOM) Death Cafe. Absent the cake, coffee, camaraderie, and closeness of the "for real" Death Cafes, the conversations have been stirring and topical. These are highly unusual times for everyone, but our smaller in number Death Cafes have been worth the doing.
We've decided to hold Death Cafes every Monday evening in August, 2020.
Posted by Brian Long | Death Cafes, Berks, Lancaster, Lebanon Counties, PA
Doing my first Zoom, LGBT Death cafe this evening. Quite a challenge, but feeling positive about it.
Posted by Janice Thornton
Hello Janice,
I can't find link to LGBT d cafe tonight. Can u send it to
Thanks, Angela
Posted by Angela Hodgson
might not ever go back in person
Hi there, we have completed 4 cafes by zoom and love the attendane from across Canada, the US, England and Europe. Death is a univeral experience and the cafes have been very rich . I appreciate not hunting for a suitable (free) location in my small rural area and grateful for a strong wifi signal.
Thank you for all you do!
Death Cafe Windsor Essex County
Posted by suemannell
I would like to see Death Cafe wake up again - online. A lot of us need the support it brings. My husband and I, in Citrus Heights, CA are both in poor health but stay active, and are online every day.
Let's stick together!!
Posted by J K Stabler