Death Cafe end of 2013 round up - and plans for 2014!
Posted by
Jon Underwood

It’s been a fantastic year for Death Café. Together we’ve worked to hold hundreds of Death Cafes where people have come together in comfort to talk openly about death. There have now been 450 Death Cafes listed on our website, and many more that haven’t. Literally across the world we have got people talking about death. This year we’ve re-written the guide to running your own Death Café, enabling more and more people to set up a Death Café in their area. We’ve also moved to an improved website and, under Megan’s guidance, the Death Café facebook page has touched many many people. Together we’ve played a big role in beginning to shift the conversation about death. There is a long way to go but it feels like we’re moving in the right direction. I feel blessed and grateful to be doing this work. Thanks so much to everyone who has supported us, especially those of you who have organised Death Cafes. We have a wonderful community and together we are doing something beautiful. I’m proud to be working with you all. 2013 has been fantastic and I’m hopeful that 2014 will be amazing! And... *drumroll* ... next year seems the right time to progress a long held dream – opening a ‘permanent’ Death Café in London! Yes, a bricks and mortar Death Café. Imagine it; somewhere dedicated to offering people the opportunity to spend some time talking and thinking about death. It would be friendly and relaxed with the atmosphere of our Death Cafes – and of course wonderful cakes! I am often being asked about expanding the Death Café model and this feels the most exciting way to do so. I increasingly feel that a new kind of community space to talk about death is needed. Is there a single public building on this planet which is dedicated to talking about death? If so, I'd like to provide another one. As well as hosting some great conversations the bricks and mortar Death Café could act as a ‘model’ to see what (and if) it works. If it does, then it could become a social franchise, like our one-off Death Café meetings, enabling others around the globe to open their own Death Cafés. What I can contribute to this project is the time to develop a clear vision and business plan. What I don’t have is the funding to make this a reality. One possibility is a Kickstarter campaign. If it’s the right time (and I think it is) then just maybe we’ll be able to raise the money. Either way I am determined to try. I think that death deserves a place like this! If you’d like to support this project with advice, resources, time and (especially) good wishes then please do share them. Otherwise stay tuned for updates. And in the meantime best wishes for a wonderful festive season and New Year and thanks for all your support in 2013. Jon
Love it, Jon!!! This is going to be so cool! 2013 was an amazing year for Death Cafe and I'm so excited to see what all the future holds, including your bricks and mortar Death Café! I do believe that there should be a building dedicated to talking about death and this is it! Yay! Our Death Cafe community is amazing and we all have you to thank for starting this irreplaceable movement! <3 Megan
Posted by Death Cafe St. Joe/ Megan Mooney
Dear Jon, Congrats to you and all the Death Cafe peeps. I wish you every success in 2014 and I would so support your kickstarter campaign - I'm in!! Thanks for all your hard work up.
cheers and merry christmas
Posted by Kerrie Noonan
hospice work
Finally ... coming out hehehe ...after finishing up shifts at hospice ...i would find myself pondering ... what other options are there,how can we improve this part of life's journey... I look fwd to participating with "Death Cafe"... in my community ... <3
Posted by yvonne valentine
What wonderful news, Jon! Very exciting. I too think the time is right for this.
Question: Are there any ways in which your long distance supporters can contribute their time to this new venture? I know financial support is one way to help, but I'm sure there are many (myself included) who'd love to donate time if there was some way we could do so remotely.
In any case, know you've got a ton of support out here. Thank you for all the beautiful and important work you've done!
~~ Kate

Brilliant - I hope we can get more involved next year too x Keep up the good work
Posted by Nicky Whichelow
part of the NDC Crew
Dear Jon and Death Cafe people
What a brilliant 2013 – the impact of Death Cafes are such a mammoth achievement. Now they are spinning all round the world.
Looking forward to 2014 and my eyes light up at the thought of a potential bricks and mortar death cafe.
Susan Morris, Trustee
The Natural Death Centre Charity, Association of Natural Burial Grounds @ndccharity
Educational charity which sees death as a natural part of life. Founded in 1991, it is committed to supporting cultural change and is working towards a situation where all people are empowered in the process of dying, and organising a funeral. Last year alone the NDC received over 40,000 phone calls /emails to its helpline; over 140,000 new web visitors
Posted by Susan Morris
Death Cafe New York City Host
It was a tremendous 2013 for Death Café across the globe. Congratulations Jon and thank you. Through Death Café we have connected people who otherwise would never have met.
Yes to a real Death Café! Let us know what we can do here in New York City.
Waiting on that annual meeting in London of hosts from around the world. LOL!
Be well,
Posted by Audrey Pellicano
Heaven on Earth, Bristol, UK
Fantastic Jon,
I'm all for a KICKSTARTER Campaign. I think it would get a lot of support. Love the idea of a bricks and mortar Death Cafe and I"d love to be involved in a Bristol one.
I could provide some of my skull mugs/cups and saucers maybe! Am watching your space!!
Posted by Paula
Death Cafe - Victoria, BC Canada
Congratulations and lively thanks to you Jon… and all DCafe hosts and go-ers for a fantastic year! With gratitude for the awesome "undertaking" we're privileged to be in on! Hugs and blessings all around the globe - Don Morris
ps - I look forward to raising my cup inside a brick and mortar...
Posted by Don Morris
PDX Death Cafe
Jon, We're so grateful to you for getting us started. Here in Portland, Oregon we've started dreaming about bricks and mortar too. Here's to continued inspiration, dedication, and connection in 2014!
Posted by Holly Pruett
We need a Death Cafe here in Klamath Falls Oregon! Please! Or possibly Bend Or!
Posted by ellen chevalier
Your Good Mourning shop & community hub
What a great vision, count us in Jon. We'd love to support it and like Paula (Heaven on Earth) we'd like to be involved... so after Bristol, head up north to set up in Sheffield. Think it would work well with our quirky shop & community hub.
Take care, Glenda
PS. Three cheers to Jon & all death cafes past & present.
Posted by Glenda Kirby
Suzanne, Joy and Lynn
It sounds like a great idea whose time has come. What can we do to help? Follow your dream, if it is meant to be, the money will be there!
Congrats on a great 2013 and here's to a an even more exciting 2014.
Posted by Death Cafe - Millerton NY
Suzanne B. O'Brien
It has been such a gift to be part of a movement that has been needed for so long. Every time the word reaches someone new, the potential for a better ending is possible. We are more similar than different. We are all in this together. xoxoxo

Thank you!
Thanks so much to everyone who has commented and sent supportive wishes. I am truly excited - and if truth be told a little bit scared - to be pursuing this project!
The next step for me is to produce a detailed description of what we're talking about and then talk to lots of people about it. If you'd like to see a copy please do mail me (
After that I will put together a pitch and will need everyone's help to communicate it. I'm scared but confident - together we can do this!
Jon x x

In the foot steps of the NDC
Jon, I am proud! You are putting East London on the map with your bricks and mortar Death Cafe there! Hurray! Just a shame I live in North West London, at the other end. I hope it will be a success! The whole death cafe idea is following in the footsteps of the NDC (Natural Death Centre) and for that I am even prouder! Well done! Go, Jon, go! It is a bit scary to undertake this new venture, but well worth the effort. I love it! See you soon at the bricks and mortar Death Cafe!
Posted by Josefine Speyer
what a year!
Thank you for your openness. It has been a wild ride! I do hope you move forward with brick and mortar. I may just have to get my passport renewed so I can come to grand opening! I will be your biggest fan and promoter of Kickstarter. I think together we can take this to new levels. I have a big mouth and plan to shout out to the world all the great things about Death Cafe until the day I die.
Posted by Lizzy Miles
Author, Facing the Final Mystery: A Guide to Discussing End-of-Life Issues
Dear Jon, and Hosts and Hostesses of Death Cafes,
I am donating cartons, of 28, of my book to organizations and gatherings, if they will but pay the postage, in the United States. I am trying to walk my talk and not leave the remainders for my sons to dispose of when I die. Some of the appendix material is outdated so I no longer want to sell them, but the content is still valuable and viable and seems to me very suitable for people interested in attending Death Cafes. Visit my website, for more information, and then let me know if you would like me to mail a carton, in the USA. Thank you, Laura Larsen
Posted by Laura Larsen
From Nelson, BC, Canada
Bricks & Mortar DC great idea
Nelson population 10,000 attracted over 40 people, to its DCs. London with 'millions' should be able to manifest a real DC.
We support you !
Posted by Nelson Death Cafe
Lets do it. Lets set up a Death Café charitable foundation and start collecting some cash. If everyone who came to a café made a donation wow! I'll pledge £100 to get the ball rolling
Posted by Nigel George
Magnificent News!
How wonderful Jon! Just yesterday a former hospice nurse asked me about setting up a physical space here in Denver to hold Death Cafes. I am not up for that challenge yet although it's a great idea. I applaud your efforts and wonder how you do it all? You are such an inspiration and guiding light for us all. I agree with others who have commented on how can we help from afar? Thank you for doing what you do and making a difference globally by opening up the conversations on death.

Hi, Jon. I have wanted to visit London all my life, and now I have yet another reason to come there. All the best with your bricks and mortar idea!
Paula Schneider
Posted by Paula Schneider
completed cafe
I just got back from the cafe I hosted in EW NJ, and it was very very interesting. The room was perfect..good size and private. There were about 8 people and all contributed to the conversation. The conversation was ongoing, peppered with people's experiences and views, and when it was over...people asked when and where the next one would be.
It was exactly what I had in and unfettered discussion of ........death!
Laurie Dinerstein-Kurs
Posted by Laurie
Oh, this sounds wonderful! I hope it has a Thanatology library!
Posted by RaeAnne Wiseman
Texas Death Cafes
Congratulations Jon for your London and international success. The Houston, Texas, USA, Death Cafe has continued to meet monthly since we were inspired by your web site to start one. There are now several Cafes in Texas. Good luck on continuing this good work.
Posted by cburton1
human being
If you are serious I can add information about dying that you can gain from my six-and-one-half weeks at the Los Angeles county burn ward hospital. Plus, near death experience at
Huntington Hosp. both are in L.A. county.
Posted by irwin margolese
hospice social worker
Sounds perfect, would love this, hope you make it happen. You have my support.
Posted by Claudia
anfange entlichkeit
ich habe das mit dem deathcafe heute in der zeitung gelesen und finde es ist ein riesiger bedarf unabhängig von glaubensrichtungen über den tod zu sprechen, ich möchte versuchen so ein cafe einzurichten,
Posted by Johanna kruse