Talking about Death Cafe and Death during my travel to Hong Kong.
Posted by Death Cafe St. Joe/ Megan Mooney
Lizzy Miles from Death Cafe Columbus and Megan Mooney from Death Cafe St. Joe recently visited Hong Kong to take part in the International Conference on Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society presenting on Death Cafe. This coincided with the first ever Death Cafe in Hong Kong hosted by Ms. Pearl Tse, Ms. Carmen Yau, & Dr. Andy Ho.
You can read more it here >>

I pulled up to KCI (the airport at Kansas City) to begin my travels and as soon as I arrived, the guy taking my luggage asked me about my Death Café t-shirt. I told him all about Death Café. I then went into the airport and began talking to numerous other people about Death Café, and death and dying. Many of them were so grateful to hear about this movement. As I continued my travels to Chicago, Ohio, Toronto, Vancouver and finally Hong Kong, I exchanged many stories with others. I told them about what a Death Café was and what it wasn’t. All of them said they were going to look up It was amazing to be able to talk to people from all walks of life about death and dying. It was like having a small Death Café everywhere I went!
Pardon the IS 3 in the morning!
Posted by Lizzy Miles
Hi, Lizzy!
It was so inspiring to hear about your experiences while sharing a Death Cafe as you travel to Hong Kong.
I am so grateful for discovering this wonderful group of people who want to make it easier for people to talk about death :) It's something very needed in our society.
We live in Minnesota, and we have started connecting with Death Cafe in Minneapolis.
Bozena and I have long been open to talking about death and dying, and we are so happy there are many others who feel the same way.
Lizzy, we'd love to get to know you better. Can we talk by phone and email?
Have a beautiful and meaningful day, Lizzy :))
Scott and Bozena
Posted by Scott and Bozena
more death talk
A man at the airport while I was waiting for you told me that his sister committed suicide 6 years before. Thete seemed to be a release as if just the act of "telling" was therapeutic for me.
Posted by Lizzy Miles