Thinking of setting up a Death Cafe?
Posted by
Josefine Speyer

A friend of mine is thinking of setting up a DeathCafe and dithering about starting. I gave her some advice. Perhaps it maybe useful to others? Here is is: I think if you start up a Death Cafe with just one group of people around a table and then do all the feedback sheets and reports/write-ups and post these on the Death Cafe website, and link up with other Death Cafe hosts in your part of the world, soon journalists start coming and people write blogs about their experience etc. and you start the ball rolling. Let me know how you started? My friend has a lot of knowledge in the field but not so much in facilitating groups. I think starting small helps. And as you grow in numbers there will be some very suitable people there to join you and become co-facilitators. Much love, Josefine Death Cafe Hampstead is on Facebook. Like us and link up? It is a great way to shre information and interesting video clips.
I started small. It being a regular, monthly event also helps as word of mouth brings more and more people to you.
hello :) i am having trouble logging in so i can list my death cafe for our town of oamaru new zealand. thank you <3 ting
Posted by ting