Posted by merav
Hosted by Jewish Gateways
Date: | Sept. 26, 2021 |
Start time: | 4:00 p.m. (Pacific Daylight Time) |
End time: | 5:30 p.m. (Pacific Daylight Time) |
An Online Death Cafe
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About this Death Cafe
Our Death Café, sponsored by Jewish Gateways, meets on the 4th Sunday of each month from 4:00-5:30 pm, PDT.
Join us in a confidential, safe, and caring environment to discuss death and dying. Thoughts, feelings, and experiences are all relevant. We welcome participants of any background, religion, culture, or belief.
Relevant additional resources will be offered upon request.
Many report that participating in Death Cafés reduces their anxiety about death and dying (their own or their loved ones’), which can enhance the way we live in the present. Most people leave feeling connected and uplifted.
About Jewish Gateways
About Co-hosts Lori Goldwyn & Jim Kirkpatrick:
Lori and Jim are experienced Death Café participants who are bringing Death Café to the Bay Area in hopes that our families, friends, and communities will find them as beneficial as we have.
Lori has worked as an End of Life Doula since 2016 and is affiliated with the Bay Area End of Life Doula Alliance.
Jim is a retired Marriage and Family Therapist with over 40 years of experience. He now volunteers with Sutter Hospice, Berkeley Free Clinic, and Berkeley NEED. He and his family are members of Jewish Gateways.
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