Posted by
Josefine Speyer

Hosted by Josefine Speyer
Date: | Sept. 16, 2013 |
Start time: | 6:30 p.m. (GMT) |
End time: | 9:15 p.m. (GMT) |
Address: |
38-39 High Street Hampstead , London NW3 1QE United Kingdom |
Donations are welcome! |
This Death Cafe has taken place
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About this Death Cafe
We are meeting in a large room upstairs at Cafe Rouge. Please order and pay for your food & drink at the till downstairs. Tell them you are taking part in the event upstairs.
Cafe Rouge are kind to let us have the room for the evening to ourselves. It is not usually used on a Monday. They are doing us a favour and if everyone has a drink and some food it will make it worth their while to do this for us.
This is a rough outline of the Death Cafe:
Choose a table. The event may well be fully booked. This means all the tables will be used. Take a seat!
We start the evening inviting everyone to introduce themselves at their table, saying a bit about themselves and what made them decide to come. From there the conversation usually develops naturally. Halfway through the evening we stop for a short break. You are welcome to change tables if you like, get another drink, go to the bathroom, or just chat.
At the start the second half of the evening I will present a question to everyone. We talk about in pairs before returning to the table.
The evening concludes with a closing circle and filling in feedback sheets. Everyone is welcome to stay on longer and to chat individually.
About Josefine Speyer
Josefine Speyer is a UKCP registered psychotherapist in private practice in London since 1985. With her husband Nicholas Albery she founded the Natural Death Centre in 1991 (, an educational charity of which she is now a patron. The NDC provides advice and information on funerals via its free help line and through the Natural Death Handbook.
Josefine specialises in death education to help people think and talk about death as a natural part of life and to educate them about choices. Since November 2012 she has hosted Death Cafés at her home in NW London, in Hampstead’s Café Rouge and in Oxford. She holds monthly Death Cafés in London.
Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe
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