Posted by Paula Schneider

Hosted by Circle of Life Community Hospice
Date: | April 25, 2015 |
Start time: | 1:00 p.m. (Pacific) |
End time: | 4:00 p.m. (Pacific) |
Address: |
3945 Fairview Drive Carson City Nevada 89701 United States |
Our Death Cafe is free. |
This Death Cafe has taken place
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About this Death Cafe
Please join us for cookies, coffee, and tea while we discuss the multitude of topics associated with death and dying. We thank our sponsor, FitzHenry's Funeral Home, for providing space and other accommodations for our Death Cafe. As always, our Death Cafe is free.
About Circle of Life Community Hospice
Moderators for this event are Paula Schneider, RN, End-of-Life Consultant and Educator and Shirley VanDamme, Spiritual Counselor. This is Circle of Life Hospice's fourth Death Cafe in the Northern Nevada region and Paula's fifteenth Death Cafe to date. All our Death Cafes are booked to capacity, and participants report they love the topics and the interaction. We plan to continue offering Death Cafes in the area on a monthly or bi-monthly basis, as we feel committed to assisting people to learn to enjoy end-of-life peace and comfort as they make their transition.
Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe