Posted by evoci

Hosted by Elaine Voci Life Skills Coaching LLC
Date: | Aug. 16, 2015 |
Start time: | 2:00 p.m. (EST) |
End time: | 4:00 p.m. (EST) |
To be held at a private location
This Death Cafe has taken place
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About this Death Cafe
When death was close to Americans 100 years ago, it was a familiar, natural part of life, and it was a family event with the family washing the body, clothing it and waking the loved one at home. Nowadays, death has been sanitized and it happens in hospitals, hospices and nursing homes more often than at home. As a result there is more fear and unfamiliarity with death.
Death Cafes promote conversation and openness; the ability to ask questions and to share experiences related to death and dying. The Cafe is welcoming to all, promotes comfort and a sense of safety. They are free of cost and free of ideology.
Pre-registration is required due to limited seating, and it is easy: just call Elaine at 317-730-5481 to register, receive directions and ask any questions you may have.
Hope to see you there!
About Elaine Voci Life Skills Coaching LLC
Elaine Voci, Ph.D. is a life coach, specializing in career coaching, in private practice and a Certified Life Cycle Celebrant. She has been hosting the Carmel Death Cafe for one year and continues offering Cafes on the third Sunday of the month from 2 to 4 pm.
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