Death Cafe Practitioners Page

Not promoting businesses at Death Cafes

Posted by Jools Barsky on Feb. 22, 2025, 5:09 p.m. 3 comments

Not promoting businesses at Death Cafes

To our wonderful Death Cafe hosts, current and prospective,


As I write this, over 20,123 Death Cafes have been listed across 93 countries, with tens - if not hundreds - more happening each week. It’s thrilling to think about how many thousands of people have engaged in open, honest conversations about death and dying because of this movement.


With this incredible growth, however, comes the challenge of ensuring that the Death Cafe name is being used in line with our guidelines. Sometimes, honest mistakes happen such as using prompts or introducing themes, but we are also increasingly receiving reports of individuals using the Death Cafe name to promote ...

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Update on Trademark fundraising

Posted by Jools Barsky on Dec. 17, 2023, 6:52 p.m. 3 comments

Update on Trademark fundraising

Hi Death Cafe community,


I’m reaching out with some incredible news about our trademark renewal. Your astonishing support has helped us surpass our £4,500 target, reaching £5,410. This is a powerful testament to the strength and unity of the Death Cafe movement.


This campaign has been about more than just fundraising; it’s been a reaffirmation of our shared commitment to Death Cafe’s mission - creating safe spaces to talk about death and dying over tea and cake. With the extra funds, we have a safety net against unexpected expenses and currency fluctuations. I've paused the GoFundMe campaign for now, but we'll reopen ...

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Protecting our legacy - Death Cafe trademark

Posted by Jools Barsky on Dec. 9, 2023, 7:12 a.m.

Protecting our legacy - Death Cafe trademark

Hi Death Cafe community,

Today, I want to share an important milestone in our journey: the renewal of the Death Cafe trademark. This isn't just a routine task; it's a crucial step to safeguard the open, honest discussions about death and dying that define Death Cafe.

Why renew the trademark?
The Death Cafe trademark is a symbol of trust, safety, and authenticity. It's the cornerstone of our identity, embodying the values and principles that Jon, my brother and the founder of Death Cafe, established. Renewing the trademark is essential to prevent misrepresentation and ensure that our name continues to stand for these ideals.

The cost ...

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Transparency in your professional life

Posted by nightrose on April 11, 2023, 9:48 p.m. 4 comments

Hi! Of course I understand the spirit of this section of the rules:

"8.5 It is ok for you to mention your business in your Death Cafe biography. It isn't appropriate for your business to be mentioned at the Death Cafe session. Reports that you're promoting your business via Death Cafe will be investigated."

I'm looking to start a death café, and I work in many aspects of the field. Since people will know that from reading my bio, it seems likely they will ask me about my business at the café. I am fine with leaning into a response that supports non-solcitiation during the event…but what do folks do when an attendee wants to connect after an event, or even hire you? Does this rule apply only within the space of the event itself?


Thanks in advance! I'd like to get started on the right foot.

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ohio valley

Posted by eazye90 on April 6, 2023, 9:55 p.m. 4 comments

would any one be interested in co-hosting a virtual death acfe with me? this would be my very first death cafe and the first and only one for the area that im from. My goal is to get the word out there about the virtual death cafes and get enough people to hopefully be interested in having a in person meeting. im open to all and every idea as well advice. you can comment on this post if interested or have any advice for this newbie 

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Death Cafe Approval

Posted by nomenoyou1 on April 6, 2023, 2:56 p.m. 3 comments

How long does it typically take to get a Death Cafe approved and added to the website? Been waiting a couple

weeks . . .

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Lack of bereavement support in city

Posted by Willyp on March 23, 2023, 12:43 p.m. 1 comment

Hi all,

The community centre I work at in Exeter is considering starting a Death Cafe due to Cruse losing lots of funding leading to a lack of provision in the city for people exploring grief and death.

Could someone explain to me the rationale behind why the Death Cafe has a clear line on not being a grief support group and whether that is changing in light of the breakdown in support nationally.

If the Death Cafe isn't quite right for our needs, would someone kindly signpost me to something that might be a bit more appropriate please?

Many thanks,

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Quick question

Posted by Amanda81 on June 15, 2022, 5:33 p.m.


I have just read the document on holding  a death cafe, it's a fantastic idea my question is, how are a lot of end of life guests able to attend a venue  to participate in the meeting? 
mot are there aimed more for the newly diagnosed target group



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Collecting Info

Posted by DU4UUCA on June 14, 2022, 12:04 p.m.

Do other faciltators "take attendance" and/or keep track of attendees? How about asking them for contact info? 

I can see ONLY ONE reason to do this: to be able to report if a participant is threatending self-harm, seeming to be a danger to self or others. Ugh. 

What do other people do?

I'm in my second year of facilitating/co-facilitating regularly, and this is the first time this issue has come up.

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wanting to host a Death Café

Posted by Jodi on June 1, 2022, 10:57 a.m. 2 comments

I am looking into hosting an on line Death Cafe in Ontario and wondering about the zoom link and arranging.

any tips?

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Starting a Death Cafe

Posted by michelle.brown on May 14, 2022, 6:56 a.m. 1 comment

I have just taken over a Funeral Home in Melbourne Australia, and would love to host a meeting. Any tips on hosting a first meeting? 

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Posted by ponderingleaves on March 23, 2022, 7:50 a.m. 4 comments

A matter borne of our pandemic-induced Zoom era has prompted disdain among a few of us who host death cafes. It is what I’ve dubbed the “black box syndrome.” That is, it has become increasingly common for individuals to join the discussions groups in facial absentia, with the video function turned off, causing us to see only a dark box with a name or a static image of some sort. 


For some, this practice feels like an affront to the intimacy of a conversation that engenders expressions of a personal and sometimes emotive nature. It poses a sense of separation rather than connection. If one of “the boxes” utters a remark, the person behind it seems more remote.


What does it mean to be part of an online death cafe? Is someone whose face cannot be seen a full-fledged participant? Might it be considered borderline voyeurism when someone plugs in merely as a listener (though maybe an occasional commenter) with the video function turned off?


Zoom burnout has become a reality for many online-saturated, busy people who aim to multi-task during a session while catching the gist of what’s going on. And there are times when it is necessary to take a visual leave of absence for a few moments.


It has reached a point, though, where there are sometimes fewer animated attendees at gatherings (of various sorts) than static, lifeless images or boxes.


Death cafe discussions offer opportunities for intimate connections with one another. Visual absence may diminish the sense of communion that this type of milieu generates. Seeing nuances of expression enables us to hone in on interpretative perceptions beyond spoken words. And probably feelings for someone are more reachable.


On the other hand, someone suggested that certain individuals may feel more comfortable behind this curtain of separation. Maybe they wouldn’t attend at all if obligated to be in fully visible presence.


In the context of death cafe discussions, how do you feel about this side effect of our modern manner of communicating electronically? 

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Posted by ucolsbl on March 21, 2022, 6:48 p.m. 2 comments

Any one have resources for topic of death that we can share at our first death cafe?

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Starting a new Death Cafe in Kansas City

Posted by Ghafari on March 18, 2022, 9:34 p.m. 7 comments

Good evening all,

I have been approached about starting a new Death Cafe in the Kansas City area.  A locsl brewery and I are discussing starting a new option.  Kansas City had one in the past and the person moved away is what I heard.

Talking about death is not difficult for me.  I am a registered nurse with many years of experience in critical care, emergenc,hospice, palliative care and current coordinate a multi-disciplinary clinic for ALS patients and have my own private End of Life Doula busines. My master's is in End of Lfe Care. 

Can anyone give me their thoughts on starting and running a death cafe and keeping it interesting?  I am excited in beginning this journey.  

Who knows we might have our own beer.  Even though I am not a beer guy. Look forward to see the possibilities.

Take Gentle Care,


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Yet to say - call

Posted by castrojung on March 11, 2022, 8:13 a.m.

Yet to say - call


Are you one of those who did not get the opportunity to say some last words to a loved one before their departure?

You can do it here.

How does it work?

You can take part in this art project in two different ways:

1) Send me a private audio message, and the composer and sound artist Andrea Rocca (@babymicrobesound @mechanical.eyelid) will use all those messages to compose 'Yet to say Requiem'', an immersive soundscape that will be part of the COVIJO-99 project.

2) If you prefer, you can send a written message, and other people will perform it and record it for you.

All the messages ...

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