Death Cafe Press Clippings
Posted by Jools Barsky on Dec. 27, 2018, 5:10 p.m.
WE SAT IN a circle, clutching paper cups full of steaming coffee and tea. First, I said my name. "Hi, I'm Lexi." What came next wasn't an admission of addiction, but a statement about what I feared most about death. "I fear the unknown," I began, but paused. That didn't quite sum it up. My voice tight from nerves, I added, "Nothingness. Losing everything I've ever known. The whole thing, really."...
Death isn’t a topic oft-discussed, but it is an end we all face and for many, it is a conversation worth having....
For many people, death and dying feel like taboo subjects.
But Wendy Elliott, who will be hosting the Dunnville Death Café on Nov. 15, hopes to help change that.
"It's something that's been taken away from us. Years ago, death happened in the home," she said...
“I love the brownies.” “I’m interested in learning about death.” These are the icebreakers at the November session of McGill’s Death Cafe. Though the event drew a varied crowd, commonalities developed between the full room of people intrigued by both creature comforts and talk of mortality...
Death Cafe Makes Morbid Discussions Socially Acceptable
Posted by Jools Barsky on Dec. 27, 2018, 9:54 a.m.
Chaplain and Death Cafe member Michele Tae and members Joyce Harvey-Morgan and Susan Randall talk about discussions of death with Idaho Matters on Tuesday, November 13, 2018.
When Christine Cross and Cathy Coulter first conceived of hosting a Death Café in Virden, they didn’t know if anyone would be interested in casual conversations about death and dying. But the 20 spaces filled up so fast and the evening was such a hit that three more Death Cafés have been scheduled in the area...
Most people are uncomfortable talking about death and dying but there’s a worldwide movement trying to change that. And surprisingly, it all starts over tea and cake...
VIDEO: Death Cafe puts mortality front and centre
Posted by Jools Barsky on Dec. 27, 2018, 9:44 a.m.
It’s an average Monday night in Revelstoke. Seated in a circle at Dose Café, 12 complete strangers are sharing conversation. The topic is death...
Sudbury psychotherapist encourages open conversations about death
Posted by Jools Barsky on Dec. 27, 2018, 9:41 a.m.
Betty Ann McPherson's life got pretty dark several years ago when her daughter got sick and died of cancer.
"I was sure that once her life was over, my life would be over," she said.
"For a time, it really did feel like that."
Strangers to gather in Nailsworth to 'demystify death'
Posted by Jools Barsky on Dec. 27, 2018, 9:20 a.m.
Strangers will be gathering in Nailsworth this week in an effort to demystify an important but uncomfortable subject...
At a Death Cafe, Tea and Couscous Make Mortality Easier to Swallow
Posted by Jools Barsky on Dec. 27, 2018, 9:15 a.m.
ON A BRISK NOVEMBER NIGHT, Tagine, a Moroccan restaurant tucked away on a quiet side street near Times Square, is alive with conversation. Nearly 20 people pack in around two tables cluttered with heaping, communal plates of steaming couscous, chickpeas, and yellow lentils. People exchange stories, laughs, and soft wedges of bread dipped in bright green chermoula...
Days prior to returning to Montreal this August, I visited my father’s grave for the first time in nearly a decade, 17 years after he died. As a child in visits past....
While enjoying her seventh decade on the planet, Donna Personna knows her remaining days are numbered. Yet the prospect of her demise doesn't scare her...
PEOPLE in Taunton are being challenged to make an unusual New Year's Resolution - to talk more about death...
Today in Lansing: Death Cafe at Willow Stick Healing Arts
Posted by Jools Barsky on Dec. 24, 2018, 5:50 a.m.
TUESDAY, DEC. 18 — Demystify the fear and taboo surrounding the topic of death while enjoying a hot, comforting beverage...