Death Cafe profile for Death Cafe Metro Denver

Location: United States
About Death Cafe Metro Denver:
The subject of Death has been the focus of my professional and personal life for the past 20 years. I have worked as a hospice nurse and currently teach physicians,nurses and allied health about Palliative Care and ethics at a local University. I witnessed many families who were suffering and being admitted to hospice care afraid to say the word 'Death' ' Die'! The concept of the Death Cafe is an amazing movement to help our community to learn and grow and just say the word 'Death'. Discovering the amazing mystery about death and asking more questions can only help us to live more fully. I firmly believe that until the fear of death is faced in our selves we can never learn to enjoy the moment in our lives that each breath gives us.
What brings you to Death Cafe?
I love to discuss 'Death' and some of deep issues that it evokes in our psyche!
What would you like your legacy to be?
I would like my legancy to be that I was a kind and loving person!
Contact Death Cafe Metro Denver
Death Cafe Metro Denver's posts on the Death Cafe website
Death Cafe write up: Denver Death Cafe
Posted by Death Cafe Metro Denver on Dec. 4, 2018, 11:51 a.m. 3 comments

Thanks to all those who have participated in our Denver Metro Death Cafes in 2023. I am deeply honored to have been part of such amazing insights and conversations on death, dying, loss and what might happen after death. We do hope you can join us in our 10th year of conversations on demystifying death 2024 at The Tattered Cover on Colfax.

With Nancy and colleagues
May 19, 2024, 3.30 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. (Mountain Time)

With Sarah Hitman
May 12, 2024, 3.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. (MDT)
Free, but please support Tattered Cover
We welcome all to the discussion. You can come once or every month. All comments are respected and acknowledged and are kept confidential
Cafe Ole' is a cosy friendly coffee ...

With Nancy English and Jackie Fogolo
May 19, 2024, 3.30 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. (MDT)
Free, but please support Tattered Cover
Death Cafe write up: Death Cafe of Metro Denver
Posted by Death Cafe Metro Denver on May 2, 2016, 10:06 p.m.
We are ever so grateful for your support and desire to continue the conversation regarding Death. 2023 marks our 9th year of our monthly Death Cafes' . There will be NO Death Cafes June and July, 2023.
Please contact me for further schedule of the Denver Death Cafe.
Death Cafe write up: Death Cafe of Metro Denver
Posted by Death Cafe Metro Denver on April 4, 2015, 10:56 a.m. 1 comment
Hello, Every month I marvel at the conversations that emerge from a simple conversation on Death. We are on the Zoom Platform where the magic happens.
This is not a 'meet up' rather it is a place you can come once or as many times as you like and join a lively and informative conversation.
Join us, It is free and fun!
We are now online with the same schedule as posted, please email for Zoom link.
Nancy and Jackie
Death Cafe write up: Death Cafe of Metro Denver
Posted by Death Cafe Metro Denver on Aug. 19, 2014, 9:12 a.m. 1 comment
Death Cafe write up: Death Cafe of Metro Denver
Posted by Death Cafe Metro Denver on July 12, 2014, 3:51 p.m.
This write up has been deleted.