Death Cafe profile for Ann Frances Ellis

Location: United States
About Ann Frances Ellis:
I am a near-death experiencer and near-death researcher. My book, Revelations of Profound LOVE, tells about heaven and the LOVE there, by quoting over 100 first-person accounts of NDEs. After researching NDEs, I totally believe in life after death, that LOVE never ends, and that we call the shots in planning our own lives. I love talking about life after death. I have learned a lot since I started studying NDEs.
What brings you to Death Cafe?
I heard about them and LOVE the idea.
What would you like your legacy to be?
I want others to know what I have learned and put into my book. There is so much LOVE for everyone. No one is left out. No one is judged inadequate. We are all LOVED and cared for forever.
Thoughts for sharing:
As we LOVE, we change the world for the better.