Death Cafe profile for octogenoman

Location: United States
About octogenoman:
On this, my 80th BD, I am happy to have stumbled across Death Cafe. Death is denied by most Americans, and comes as a shock to most, when in fact, it is every bit as natural as birth.
We all get one. It is a matter of time, luck, and circumstance, but death comes to us all, and it only becomes tragedy when the decedent is young or has otherwise left before fulfilment.
When someone like me, in their ninth decade hits the sod, it is not tragic. It is part of the scheme---and I do not suggest that the "scheme" is controlled, designed, or otherwise associated with some higher power. "Scheme" is a figure of speech in the sense that I intend.
Tragic deaths are the ones that come before one has had a chance to live a life of fulfillment.
So, let us celebrate death where it is "earned." We all will have our day.
"Memento Mori"
What brings you to Death Cafe?
I am interested in the concept of acceptance as a normal condition of living. We need to recognize our personal date with death in order to better realize the joys of the life we have, and to take pleasure in the simple fact that we, each of us individually, have a great privilege in being alive, for however short a time, and the maximum span of human life is short indeed.
Whether we believe in after life or as I do, of oblivion after death, we all should recognize death in the main as a reward and a release.
So I am glad to find an enterprise like Death Cafe to explore death and to bring it out of the darkness.
What would you like your legacy to be?
I do not put much stock in legacies. I recall that we as real people only survive for two generations at best. After that, we are only a name, preserved on a headstone, street name, or some other feeble hope for eternity. Legacies are fleeting for most of us, and for the famous whom we "remember" it is not much solace.
So, I hope my contribution (a form of "legacy"?) will be that I had some small influence on my immediate family and perhaps some of those with whom I have been in contact in my life. Some influence to be kind to others, and to value each individual on their own merits. I hope I have contributed to the erasure of racial, ethnic and gender hatreds. Whether my name is remembered or not is of little interest to me.
Thoughts for sharing:
"Memento Mori" is my best quote on this, but I have forgotten from whence it comes. I do recall, however, that it is ancient.
Here is a quote---more of an opinion, perhaps---When I die, I will either go to Hell or Oblivion. For me there are no alternatives, because if the Christian Religious are right and there really is a Heaven and a Hell, I am not qualified for Heaven, ergo, Hell.
If they are wrong, and i strongly suspect that they are, then it is oblivion.
I imagine oblivion before I was born, so it makes sense that there is oblivion after death.
Contact octogenoman
octogenoman's posts on the Death Cafe website
Practitioners question: Scottsdale Death Café
Posted by octogenoman on Aug. 22, 2016, 2:36 p.m. 1 comment
I am finding it impossible to post a new meeting for our Death Café. When I go to "Post your Death Café, all I can get is a page to post a new D.C. We have been holding these meetings off and on for almost two years, so we ...

With Ron Weinert, Bill Crocker
Oct. 20, 2015, 6.30 p.m. - 8.00 p.m. (Mountain)
No donations at this time
This will be our third meeting, and we lookforward to seeing our old friends as well as any new attendees who join us.
Our previous two meetings were deemed successful ...

With Ron Weinert & Bill Crocker
March 17, 2015, 6.30 p.m. - 8.00 p.m. (Mountain)
There is no cost for this event, but we encourage you to have a cup of coffee and perhaps a goodie while here.
This wiil be our second D.C. meeting. The first had 20 in attendance, and went very well, with just about everyone asking for more.
Our meeting place is limited ...
Death Cafe write up: Scottsdale Death Cafe
Posted by octogenoman on Jan. 30, 2015, 11:42 p.m.
We held our first D.C. on the 27th of January, and were pleased to have 20 in attendance.
The setting was quite intimate, and on the advice of two ladies who had attended many of these meetings back at their home in St Paul, we decided to keep the group together rather than breaking into smaller arrangements.
We opened with introductions and comments on what brought each person to the meeting. I emphasized that this was not mandatory, and that anyone wishing to just observe was certainly welcome and need not make a comment.
It went quite well, and we were still rolling along with no awkward ...

With Ron Weinert, Bill Crocker
Sept. 8, 2016, 6.30 p.m. - 8.00 p.m. (Mountain)
We neither solicit nor accept donations
We are interested in continuing the conversations about death and dying. We are agree with other Death Café proponents that the topic is avoided in modern society. We encourage a ...