Death Cafe profile for Nancy Rhine

Location: United States
About Nancy Rhine:
I am no longer hosting Death Cafe's in my area. Please search this site by your location to find current Death Cafe's happening in your area.
Nancy Rhine's posts on the Death Cafe website
Death Cafe write up: Marin Death Cafe
Posted by Nancy Rhine on Sept. 11, 2014, 2:38 p.m.

Marin Death Café
Sept 10 2014
Mt Tam United Methodist Church
6:30 – 8PM
Facilitators: Nancy, Teresa, Kim, Norma Jean
Attendees: 43 people, not including facilitators
9 men, 34 women
Age range: approximately 30 years old to 92 years old
Things that worked this time:
· Having no RSVP requirement was so much easier! So having a large enough space to accommodate varying numbers is good.
· People brought plenty of cake. J
· Having more facilitators made for a more positive experience for participants
· Marin IJ “In Your Town” blurb and then being on the front page of the 2nd Section the day of brought more last minute interest ...!--[endif]-->!--[if>

I wish the author had credited Jon and Lizzy as well but I thought this was a lovely article other than that omission. The journalist covers our last Marin Death Cafe and then writes poignently about her own grief journey through the death of her beloved husband.

With Nancy Rhine, MS, LMFT & Teresa Tooker
Sept. 10, 2014, 6.30 p.m. - 8.00 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time)
no cost
We are looking forward to hosting this Marin Death Cafe at Mt Tam United Methodist Church in Mill Valley. The church has a large, friendly fellowship hall as well as ...
Death Cafe write up: Marin Death Cafe
Posted by Nancy Rhine on June 13, 2014, 1:03 p.m.
Last evening we had our second Marin Death Cafe with 28 people RSVPing and 17 people attending. Needless to say, we had way too much cake! :)
Once again, feedback was how struck people were with how immediately everyone moved into talking about very real experiences they had had around death and dying. They shared stories about near death experiences, deaths of longtime spouses, deaths of children, fear of dying, not fear of dying, and existential questions about life's meaning or what I call "What's it all about Alfie?" questions.
A particularly moving conversation was about the meaing and close experiences people had had with wild birds ...
Practitioners question: Finding Locations
Posted by Nancy Rhine on May 14, 2014, 8:28 p.m. 5 comments
I've had an interesting experience around organizing our second Marin Death Cafe that Teresa and I have hosted. We had the first one at my office - the Interfaith Counseling Center - which has a comfy library. We had 23 people which was quite a few for a quite evening counseling ...

With Nancy Rhine, MS, LMFT & Teresa Tooker
June 12, 2014, 6.00 p.m. - 8.00 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time)
Small donations accepted to cover costs of paper products.
We feel like there aren't enough places where we can talk about this very human event - death. There are hospices during end of life times and thank goodness for ...
Death Cafe write up: Death Cafe Marin
Posted by Nancy Rhine on April 24, 2014, 3:40 p.m. 1 comment

Last night, I was so very privileged to host my first Death Cafe in Marin at the San Anselmo Interfaith Counseling Center.
We had 23 participants - mostly strangers to each other - who dove right in to sharing their deep and authentic stories, truths, courage and humor.
Thank you to all of the participants, my cohost Teresa, the folks who brought cake :^) and everybody who filled out surveys at the end. We met for two hours.
Thanks to Lizzy who is always so encouraging! We adhered to the Death Cafe guidelines which I love - no agenda, no set topic, no top-down presentations, etc. And the magic did happen.
The ...
With Nancy J Rhine and Teresa Tooker
April 23, 2014, 6.00 p.m. - 8.00 p.m. (PST)
We are excited about the format of the Death Cafe model in which we are gathering simply to share our thoughts, questions, observations and feelings about death and dying. There ...
Hi all, I am new here. I have been so intrigued and excited by the Death Cafe movement. I've been involved in work with folks who are aging and with death and dying for 12 years now. I'm planning a Death Cafe here in Marin County north of ...