Death Cafe profile for Shaheda
"Day after day we remember the days that have gone on before, even though there is the interval of sleep. Finally there comes a time when, if we consider what is to our true liking, we will want to forget everything that went before. Then we can have the extraordinary ...
New Blog post: "What is it like to die" By Alan Watts - Part 1
Posted by Shaheda on June 13, 2019, 9:02 a.m. 1 comment

(PART 1)
I’ve always been fascinated with the idea of death as far back as I can remember, from earliest childhood. You may think that’s kind of morbid, but when a child at night says the phrase If I should die before I wake, there’s something about it that’s absolutely weird. What would it be like to go to sleep and never wake up? Most reasonable people just dismiss the thought ...
New Blog post: Studies on Death & Dying
Posted by Shaheda on June 4, 2019, 7:56 a.m. 1 comment

Although preservation of life is medicine’s central goal, ultimately however, death is an unavoidable outcome. In the last decade, there has been a tremendous increase in nursing homes, assisted living homes, long-term care centers, along with a very significant increase in older people living alone in their own homes in both developed and developing countries