Death Cafe profile for Cheri Jamison

Location: United States
About Cheri Jamison:
Opera singer, writer, spiritual retreat facilitator & outreach manager at Unity World Headquarters.
What brings you to Death Cafe?
Been involved in several Death Cafe's over the years. I was part of the inner circle when my father passed in Sept 2020 and the experience changed me deeply.
Thoughts for sharing:
Unity offers several free booklets of spiritual support (non-denominational) re: grief, caregiving, cancer, addiction recovery, and our 2021 booklet on peaceful passing.
Contact Cheri Jamison
Cheri Jamison's posts on the Death Cafe website
Resource: Grief is a Spiritual Practice (free booklet)
Posted by Cheri Jamison on Jan. 21, 2021, 8:59 a.m.

Loss can change the trajectory of a life. It breaks open our hearts and forces us to reckon with the big questions of life. In time, grief becomes a spiritual practice, however that looks for you personally.
This booklet—Grief Is a Spiritual Practice—is available for free, in print ...