Death Cafe profile for Donalyn
Location: United States
About Donalyn:
I've been a Thanatologist for over 40 years, working with the dying and their loved ones in hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, correctional facilities. I've taught Univeristy courses on Death, Dying and Bereavement, and played therapeutic bedside harp for the dying. Writing numerous books and educational pamphlets on end-of-life issues, I'm promoting my latest book "What Does Death Look Like?", a compliation of drawings done by class participants.I also give training workshops. I've been privileged to be with hundreds of people as they died.
What brings you to Death Cafe?
My whole life has been music and death. I'm a professional musician, and have been in the death field for over 40 yearsl
What would you like your legacy to be?
That I've been honored to have accompanied hundreds of people to their "good endings", and have helped their surviving loved ones.
Also, that I've helped numerous students in my classes and workshops to better undertand and be more comfortable with death, dying and bereavment issues.
Thoughts for sharing:
EVERYONE should get their will, living will and all Advance Directives done NOW!!! They can be adjusted when needed.
Contact Donalyn
Donalyn's posts on the Death Cafe website