Death Cafe profile for Nelson Death Cafe
Location: Canada
About Nelson Death Cafe:
We're about to host our first Death Cafe in Nelson, BC, Canada on Tuesday, Nov. 26th at Booksmyth on Baker Street.
Exciting !! been 'mentored & encouraged' by Don from Victoria, BC. I've voluntered in Hospice, a retired English teacher, travelled and taught in India, Nepal and Bangladesh.
What brings you to Death Cafe?
Heard about it in Victoria, BC, and since I've been 'intriqued' about death for many years and Nelson being a 'unique town', thought the time is ripe to introduce this concept to our community.
The D.C. website has been sooo very instrumental and informative in my decision to go ahead with our inaugral Death Cafe.
What would you like your legacy to be?
To continue to do small random acts of kindness.
Thoughts for sharing:
"Everywhere there is tenderness, care and kindness, there is beauty.When we experience beauty, we feel called to think, feel and act beautifully, which awakens the beauty in the world"
John O'donohue.
Contact Nelson Death Cafe
Nelson Death Cafe's posts on the Death Cafe website
Death Cafe write up: Nelson Death Cafe
Posted by Nelson Death Cafe on Jan. 23, 2014, 1:31 a.m.
Nelson BC 's Second Death Cafe was a great success. Forty people showed up and sat around 10 tables discussing and sharing their thoughts. Lively sharings followed. In the second half, after a 15 min. break, with live accordion music, life & living were discussed, with questions like:When do you feel most alive ? Or Have you lived the best years of your life?
Laughter and wonderful insightful, intimate sharings took place from everyone - ages mid 20's to 82.
The group decided to have another DC in mid March. Over 30 have already signed up!
With John Vanden Heuvel
Jan. 21, 2014, 7.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. (West Coast Pacific)
$5.00 suggested donation to cover costs, extra to charity
This will be our second Death Cafe, after a hugely successful first one (in Nov.) and we have a 'full house' . . . . . .meaning over 40 have indicated their participation.
We'll ...
Death Cafe write up: Nelson Death Cafe
Posted by Nelson Death Cafe on Nov. 28, 2013, 6:52 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 26 Nelson, BC, Canada held its first DC and wow . . . . .we had 40 people come - from their 20's to their 80's. (30 women / 10 men)
After an initial intro and welcome, asked 'Why did you come? And the responses were so positive and lively . . . and many !
Second half - read 2 poems, then had folks pick an Angel Card and relate that word to Death, then to Life. That exercise also went well - with laughter and personal insights.
We need to find a bigger venue and will hold our next DC in mid- to late January.
Passed around a name list and feedback forms -all ...

With John Vanden Heuvel
Nov. 26, 2013, 7.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. (West Coast Pacific)
initial costs donated by host, free admittance
Why? 'cause our community (Nelson, BC) is ripe for the introduction of this 'death theme' ! We have numerous independent coffee 'cafes'. (no Starbucks !!) however now is the time to bring ...