Death Cafe profile for lozzi
They await us on the other side with open arms. And we will arrive saying WOW what a ride that was. I will be in no hurry to come back here again, but I know I will have to, again and again and again.
I believe many things await us when we have done our work here and move on to the next stage of our spiritual journey.
New Blog post: life after death
Posted by lozzi on Jan. 21, 2017, 3:27 a.m. 5 comments

Well I do believe that when we leave here (the physical world) we move on to the next stage. It is like we progress spiritually, and although our physical body dies, our soul, consciousness, and energy survives. We have now reached the after life. I think the Buddhists have summed it up, that we have died many times, and will continue to be reborn until we have learnt the lessons that we came here to ...