Death Cafe write-ups
Virtual Death Cafe Albany, CA USA PST Write up
Posted by JimKirkpatrick on March 6, 2025, 8:13 a.m.
The Febuary 2025 Virtual Death Cafe welcomed 6 women and men for this Virtual Death Cafe. We live in USA West, South, South East, North East, Midwest, and Canada . After introductions of where we live, experiences with Death Cafe, as well as what brings us to Death Cafe now. Silence ended with a member describing their history leading to interest in all matters related to death and dying. And how they became interested in Death Cafe. All members followed with similiar sharing. Describing our preparations for our own death, how to be nurtured in final days, what we would like our death to be and caring for dying.
The primary conversation was about burial preferences, cultural practices, and how we can make our burial wishes known and respected. Here are some highlights:
“Sky Burial” is the practice of offering a corpse up to vultures. Historically practiced in areas in Pakistan and Nepal (areas where vultures are now endangered). Traci mentioned that this is possible and legal in a specific area in Colorado. She followed up with your friendly note-taker to share: “ Turns out that Crestone, a small mountain town south of Colorado Springs, is currently the only place in the U.S. to offer legal outdoor funeral pyres.” And shared this link with more information
Our ...
Death Cafe in Logan North Library Qld Australia Write up
Posted by Kate Leotta on Feb. 27, 2025, 9:29 p.m.

Death Café in the Library Underwood 22/02/25
The conversation flowed and it wasn’t dull! They vary at each Death Café, are enlightening and enriching for the soul. This Morning was no exception:
This information below may sound like an agenda or a theme was set; no it was not the case. Conversations at this Death Cafe (and all that I host/faclitiate) were/are self directed by participants.
The general consensus was that we are all going to die!
Tomorrow is not promised, living fully is a positive and can be better if written documents called Advance Care Planning are in place and conversations are ...
Death Cafe Iowa Write up
Posted by DeathCafeIowa on Feb. 19, 2025, 8:29 a.m. 2 comments
Our most recent Death Café was held February 18th and we had 5 people in attendance! We touched on two main topics in our Death Café: how different religions handle death and burial services, and the idea of legacy building. In our discussion of different religions and death we talked about Catholics & Cremation, ideas of reincarnation, and Muslim end of life rituals, which include physical acts of memory building (an example would be donating to charity in the deceased honor). When we touched on the idea of legacy we reflected on how talking about your person makes you feel like they’re still with you. A key ...
Herne Hill Death Cafe Write up
Posted by annkenrick on Feb. 18, 2025, 3:54 a.m.
A diverse group of 21 people, across the generations, attended the Death Café. Some key themes emerged:
· The shock of sudden death of a family member highlights the need for open discussion about planning for death at a time when there is no pressure. Conversations can also eliminate regrets, after the person dies, about what you wish you had said.
· You can feel very exposed when a family member dies, as the logistics that follow death are not well understood.
· When a person is terminally ill but does not want to die, it feels a betrayal to talk about death. One participant explained that in Thailand they were ...
Chestermere Death Cafe Write up
Posted by chestermerepubliclibrary on Feb. 14, 2025, 1:22 p.m.
We recently hosted our first Death Cafe in our city and had 11 people attend, despite the freezing temperatures outside.
Some of the people even came from a different city to join in. Many of which were grateful to have a space where an open and honest conversation about death and life could happen without judgement or fear of speaking of such a taboo topic.
We touched on a variety of topics, including ways to go, how to approach family in having a conversation of what to do when their loved one passes, what we think happens when we pass and much more.
What was an hour and ...
Second Sunday Death Cafe Portland, OR Write up
Posted by nomenoyou1 on Feb. 9, 2025, 10:18 p.m.
Our second Sunday cafes continue to grow and mature. We had 20 attendees and great conversation. There was an excellent mix of new and returning registrants. The subjects were many and diverse but they were all deeply felt. A very nourishing event. Everyone is welcome.
Our Death Cafe was held on Saturday, Feb 8. Six people attended, including the host and two who found us on the Death Cafe website. We had a range of ages from 23 to 60+, which made for a very deep and interesting sharing of perspectives. Topics covered included caring for aging parents, perspectives on grief, how to handle death as a professional from the perspective of a retired nurse, nursing student and social worker. We discussed medical aid in dying, the role of hospice vs. medical intervention. We also discussed the importance of thinking about our death as early as possible to enable better decision-making during critical ...
Second Sunday Death Cafe Portland, OR Write up
Posted by nomenoyou1 on Feb. 2, 2025, 8:27 p.m.
We had our first regular meeting at the Multnomah Friends Meeting House. This is our second monthly meeting and it was booked to capacity. Two tables met and had a lively conversation with a break for cake and tea. Members shared experiences and offered support. Death Doulas and funeral/legacy projects were discussed. Conversations lingered after closing.
Death Cafe Stratford Write up
Posted by soundwoman on Feb. 2, 2025, 5:38 p.m.

20 folks showed up to share deeply with emotion and laughter. Lots of interest in MAiD. Three participants happened to be death doulas. There is much hunger for more cafes.
Virtual Death Cafe Albany, CA USA PST Write up
Posted by JimKirkpatrick on Feb. 2, 2025, 8:44 a.m.

Genevieve and Jim have been co hosting since 2022. The January 2025 Virtual Death Cafe welcomed 9 women and men for this Virtual Death Cafe. We live in USA West, South, South East, North East, Midwest, Canada and London. After intros, conversations flow including laughter, tears, deep sharing and listening. Thoughts, feelings and experiences of responses toward others who are unwell or dying, loving the dying and dead, grief, and our own dying. Discussion about our legacy, grieving, finding a grave, death of a child, Book and movie titles shared. Death Cafe offers the opportunity to meet in a confidential, safe and caring environment to discuss living, death ...
Join us for a lively conversation about death and dying! No therapy, no agenda, just a safe and respectful space (including tea and cake!) to discuss thoughts, fears, and ponderings about the taboo topic of death with fellow mortals in hopes that we can enrich our day to day lives.
Knaresborough Death Cafe Write up
Posted by Richard Cyster on Jan. 28, 2025, 1:40 p.m.
Another successful Death Cafe. In fact, with the increading numbers attensding we will need to find an alternate venue. Still looking at present.
Death Cafe Virtual Iowa CST Write up
Posted by DeathCafeIowa on Jan. 22, 2025, 3:55 p.m.
Our most recent Death Café was held January 21st and we had 7 people in attendance ranging from all different locations: Iowa, Connecticut, California, Tennessee, and London! We touched on a variety of very meaningful topics, starting with the unknown of what the next day will bring and opening the door by having those uncomfortable conversations about death that bring awareness. We also touched on how people that are dying tend to see people that have already died on the other side and how the idea of that isn’t so much confusing as it is poetic and powerful. We also had a phenomenal conversation about legacy ...
The Long Beach Death Cafe CA- Wicked Wolf Write up
Posted by Lisa Stuhley on Jan. 21, 2025, 5:59 p.m.
This was the very 1st Death Cafe held at The Wicked Wolf in Long Beach, CA. To my surprise, many people were interested in coming to talk about death and dying! We had 14 people show! We enjoyed the decor of the teahouse, sipped on delicous teas and coffee, and discussed topics ranging from green burials, to human composting, to questioning the tradition of wearing black to funerals to traditions we do to honor our loved ones and even the fear of dying in space was briefly mentioned! You just never know what will come up when given permission! Our group was so successful that we took up ...