Write up for the third Death Cafe in Verona

The Cerchio della Luna bookshop very kindly hosted our third Death Café here in Verona. There were five participants and for the first time there were more men than women.
The atmosphere was serene and light-hearted and the meeting was, as for the previous two meetings, very intense and enriched by many different points of view.
The conversation this time mainly involved reflections on life after death and we heard about pre-death and spiritual experiences leading to sensations of calm and acceptance with regard to one’s own death. There was also talk of bereavement linked to people who are close to us, either in the family or at work and some participants expressed their own fears saying also how they enjoyed being able to share these thoughts and feelings without being judged.
The feedback was that this Death Café had provided a sense of freedom to express oneself in a calm atmosphere. Everyone appreciated the simplicity, involvement and sincerity of this meeting which gave people the chance to share and be understood. It was felt that many interesting points for reflection had come up and that these would help to foster greater acceptance of oneself and a more positive state of min