We Conversed about the 'Conversation Project'
A write up of Friendly & Fearless Tucson Death Cafe
Tucson Death Cafe #13 was held Nov 5th at Monterey Court Café and Galleries. This evening a participant and local Elder Circles leader Del Jones told us about an upcoming PBS documentary (the Huffington Post calls a "must see") and a free public discussion forum, all in support of "the conversation" about communicating end-of-life wishes. Then she led some discussion. She addressed the larger group (16 people) first and then we split into smaller groups for discussion outside or inside. Del posed questions for us to consider, like: What do you want at the end of your life? Have you spoken about it to relevant loved ones, friends, caregivers or doctors? Have you documented your wishes in writing, designated appropriate legal powers and provided this information to those who might have to act on it?
As usual the voluntary, no pressure nature of Death Cafe was restated before discussion. Some walked and some talked, and it was OK. Some folks sat outside in the cool fall evening with their eats or drinks and some stayed indoors to explore the questions Del put forth. We recircled and shared any 'aha' moments. Kristine shared that she experienced a few people were willing to share with her how they did not welcome the topic and did not choose to return.
Towards the end of the meeting we shifted to talking about this year's All Soul's Procession which had just occurred the previous Sunday and involved some cafe participants. It is a walk to honor loss, "inspired in part by Dia de los Muertos,... it is open to and draws from all traditions and ways of honoring the dead." (allsoulsprocession.org/faq) It makes a big impression on one. Extravagant, dramatic, somber yet celebratory, it is a spectacle that allows everyone to both behold and be in, and that was some 50,000 people this year. During the procession, expressions and other symbols of loss were gathered and placed in a giant urn, then set afire and sent aloft in the astonishing finale with fire dancers and stilt walkers, Aztec drummers and dancers, all rather reminiscent of Cirque de Soleil.
Here's info about some of the Tucson happenings coming up around end-of-life conversation:
"Consider the Conversation: a documentary on a taboo subject" is currently scheduled in Tucson for PBS World 27-3 (COX 83, Comcast 203) Nov 26 at 7p; also UA Channel (COX 116, Comcast 76) Dec 3 at 8p, Dec 4 at 2a, Dec 8 & 10 at 2p, Dec 9 at 1a.
Tucson JCC hosting town hall forum on the subject Nov 24 at 2p.
UofA hosting film screening and panel discussion Nov 20 at 4p. More info at
Valley Death Cafe new facilitator
Holding my first upcoming Death Cafe, I am grateful to read your review of Tucson gathering.
The questions posed are what I hope will be shared, and it gives me a heads up of what can happen with participants' reactions.
Posted by Joy