November Death Cafe Iowa
A write up of Death Cafe Iowa

November’s Death Café was small but mighty. While we only had 4 participants, they were all part of our regular group so we were all comfortable with one another and that help lead to a deeper conversation.
Our topics varied widely. We talked about the idea of a celebration of life and the need for those left behind to feel open to mourn the loss of someone they love. We talked about veterans, the struggles they come back to in civilian life, and the ever increasing suicide rate for their population. We talked about grieving over the loss of things and the things people say to try to make us feel better about it (but it doesn’t). We spoke quite a bit about signs from our loved ones that have died, what is after this life and the questions we ask in trying to figure all of that out. We covered so many different topics in such a short amount of time but it felt like the conversations went deeper than ever before.
Our next Death Café will be held on December 19th and we’re looking forward to where our conversation takes us!