Write up for the fourth Death Cafe Verona

Once again the Cerchio della Luna hosted our fourth Death Café and once again there were five participants. Our thanks to the bookshop for their kindness in letting us hold the meetings there.
The atmosphere was one of lightheartedness and fun. The conversation this time revolved around the theme of accompanying dying people in their last days and last moments. We talked about the difficulty of communication between relatives and the dying person and how important it is most of all to just listen which is the best thing to do when dealing with a family with a terminal patient.
Interestingly, we then moved on to the difficulty which we all have in asking for help. We realized that while we’re happy to offer help, it’s much harder to ask for it when we need it ourselves.
The feedback indicated that the atmosphere of this Death Café had been positive, safe, open and serene and had provided an original occasion for reflection, sharing, comparisons and an enrichment of knowledge.