Denver Death Cafe December Summary
A write up of Denver Death Cafe December
By Anita Larson

Denver Death Café December Summary
The Denver Death Café continues to attract an intelligent, diverse group of people who are hungry to understand and discuss death. The room was at capacity with those who took time out of their hectic holiday schedules to engage in life-affirming conversation. A few comments and highlights from participants:
“I want to discuss death at a young age so I can live a better life now. I will definitely be here again and will tell my friends.”
“Death is the new sex education. People want to talk about this.”
“Just as birth is a labor, death is a labor. It is hard work to die. Think about death midwives or death advocates to be with the dying.”
“I love being in the room with so many people who can acknowledge that life is finite.”
One person shared that she attended a “Still Awake” party for a colleague who is dying. Each person took one of her bucket list items and promised to do it for her. What a beautiful way to honor & remember her!
More topics of discussion included: Death as a happy experience for aging parents whose bodies were no longer supporting them, thoughts on speaking to a 90 year old relative reflecting on life/death, sudden death, comfort for a 23 year old dying from cancer, Tsunami of baby boomers are changing the way we think about death and dying, Nelson Mandela – give him the gift of passage, start & finish conversations with “I love you”.
As the Facilitator, I continue to be amazed at how each Death Café takes on a life of it’s own. The one common thread is the respectful conversations and heartfelt stories shared. People feel comfortable and know this is a safe, confidential and comfortable space. We all learn so much in 90 minutes.