January Death Cafe Iowa
A write up of Death Cafe Iowa

For January’s Death Café Iowa we met at Palmers Deli & Market on Ingersoll. Buffy Peters and Becca Suvalsky (members of the Young Bereavement Professionals Group) facilitated the group. We had 11 people in attendance, 3 men and 8 women, and participants ranged in ages and professions. We had several new group members in attendance this month. Several interesting topics were brought forward for discussion during this month’s death café. Topics included the choice to stop eating at the end of life, the movie “Just Mercy”, and how members might feel if they knew they knew they were going to die in the next 10 minutes. We also talked about using the real words when talking about death and dying. Several group members were able to provide insight into these topics and personal experiences. January’s death café was a great start to the New Year!