Denver Death Cafe January 2014
A write up of Denver Death Cafe January
By Anita Larson

It was a gorgeous, sunny sixty-degree day in Denver and the Bronco’s were playing that afternoon. The Broncos won and are headed to their first Super Bowl in 15 years. Exciting! We still had a wonderful gathering of people interested in discussing death at our 5th Denver Death Café. Thank you to Jamie Sarche with Feldman Mortuary for hosting and to Julie for making the most creative, delicious cake!
Topics of discussion included the latest New Mexico ruling that will allow doctors to help patients die. Four other states including Oregon, allow patients to seek aid in dying if their conditions become unbearable. Colorado is not yet one of those states. Spiritual aspects of dying, treating animals more humanely than humans and the many areas of assistance when death is near were part of the conversations.
A few comments and highlights from participants:
“It was affirming to talk with others about this topic.”
“I like the format and will tell my friends.”
“Everyone has a different perspective on the inevitable, enjoyed listening to those and also the humor.”
“You get to understand how others see and feel about death.”
“To stop talking about death and start planning for it.”
“I really want to come to the next Death Café!”
What words best describe your experience at the Denver Death Café?
Positive, interesting, different than I expected, comforting, sad, enlightening, peaceful, open-hearted, revealing, mind opening and revolutionary.
Thank you to those who volunteered to help me with the various administrative aspects of running a successful Death Café. I appreciate each and every one of you who attend and participate! Your comments, feedback and suggestions are always welcome – so email me anytime. If you have only been to one Death Café - I want to encourage you to come to the next one. You will be surprised at how different the discussions are and you’ll meet some amazing new people.
The next Denver Death Café will be Sunday, February 23rd from 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. at Feldman Mortuary, 430 S. Quebec St., Denver, CO 80247. Anyone who would like to carpool with me from Highlands Ranch is welcome to do so.
“Live every day as if it were your last, because one day you’ll be right.”
With Gratitude,
Anita Larson, Facilitator & Officiant