Virtual Death Cafe by the Bay_August 2021

10 Aug 2021. A small group of 3 of us but what energy, passion, enthusiasm and curiosity! And celebrating a belated Dying to Know Day. Themes discussed included 

·        Aged care – where death and dying is commonplace but families are still shocked by the suddenness of death;

·        where conversations are easily welcomed in all settings of life; and where the dying person may not feel comfortable, or may be fearful, to engage in talking about death (their death) and their own dying; or may not be asked how they are feeling. And often the family/loved ones aren’t asked or supported along the way. (We have a long way still to go in this area in mainstream Western society!)

·        where our own personal losses – deaths of loved ones – mould who we are and who we become

·        books, resources, and examples of people who are making a difference in the end of life space

·        building our own Spotify music play list for our living wake or funeral 

·        the complexity of grief and loss 

·        Compassionate Communities 

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