Virtual Death Cafef Iowa

We had a virtual Death Café meeting on October 17, 2023 via Zoom. Buffy Peters from Hamilton’s Academy of Grief & Loss was our facilitator. There were a total of six people who joined Buffy online. Many thoughts and ideas about death and dying were metioned during the meeting. We spent some time discussing how we remember our loved ones and different ways to make remembrance unique and meaningful. This time also included a brief discussion about how we handle end of life processes and ways to enhance end of life and death. We talked about different ways that people seek comfort, like, art therapy, yoga, and meditation were a few ways mentioned. A few thoughts to leave with, how do our words & actions impact people, are we connecting with people personally,and how are we supporting those who are dying and those who are grieving. Someone said “grief is not one size fits all”; we need to reach out and love someone!

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