Death Cafe in Logan North Library

Death Café in the Library Underwood 22/02/25

The conversation flowed and it wasn’t dull! They vary at each Death Café, are enlightening and enriching for the soul. This Morning was no exception:

This information below may sound like an agenda or a theme was set; no it was not the case. Conversations at this Death Cafe (and all that I host/faclitiate) were/are self directed by participants.

The general consensus was that we are all going to die!

Tomorrow is not promised, living fully is a positive and can be better if written documents called Advance Care Planning are in place and conversations are had with those in one’s life before and when on the End of Life Journey.

Leaving one’s body to science and what that entails was also discussed.

Instigating and attending community events about living, dying and death, are important and should be the norm. In our State there are not enough Hospices and Natural Death Centres for the living and dying.

Different cultural attitudes to living, dying, death; rituals, remembering and celebrating the dead every year, were touched on.

Values, attitudes and beliefs around dying, death, body disposition can be influenced somewhat by conditioning and experiences in our formative years.

Misconceptions about the work of End of Life Doulas in general and their role in supporting someone wanting to look into the process of VAD in Qld, got a mention.

Many Thanks from Kate.

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