April 2014 Summary
A write up of Denver Death Cafe April
By Anita Larson

Denver Death Café Summary April 27, 2014
Many thanks to Michael Long with Fairmount Mortuary & Cemetery for hosting the April Denver Death Cafe and providing refreshments. The deliciously large chocolate chip cookie was from Eileen’s Colossal Cookies and there wasn’t a single crumb left! Updates and announcements are posted regularly on our Facebook page so like us at www.facebook.com/denverdeathcafe
Colorado Public Radio contacted me regarding their Colorado Matters program and the series on Peaceful Endings. This was a new experience for me and naturally, I thought of a million things I should have said after I left their studio. Here’s the link to the broadcast: http://www.cpr.org/news/story/death-cafes-rise-colorado
There is a new cemetery opening this fall in Douglas County (the first since 1897) It is unlike anything in Colorado and plans to have a green burial section. There will be an outdoor amphitheatre for Life Celebration Ceremonies and various events. Visit their website to learn more at www.sevenstones.co (that is correct, it is not a .com web address)
Topics of discussion included: Final wishes, documentation, rituals, Jewish traditions & importance of anniversary of death, significance of markers, cremation, green burials and scattering of ashes.
One word or short phrase describing your experience at the Denver Death Café: passionate about scattering of ashes, personalized, informative, communal, enlightening, mixed, ideas, inspired, pleasant, caring, interesting, useful, honest, laughter, lovely, validating, legacy, motivating, freeing, enjoyable, funny, thoughtful, progressive, needed, validating, positive, helpful, hungry for more and “I’ll be back!”
“I want to be cremated, but what will my wife do with the hip replacements? Wrap them around the urn?” Lots of laughter and discussion ensued.
“The CBS Sunday Morning Show talked about death & dying. In the city of LaCrosse, WI 98% of residents have advanced directives.”
“We had teddy bears made out of our mother’s clothing. I hung onto her robe for a long time because of her fragrance.”
“I wish we would have recorded my parents voices. I miss the sound of their voices.”
“How do I make certain that family members don’t contest my will/final wishes? Response that created lots of laughter: “Anyone can contest anything. You can sue a ham sandwich!”
“I think it’s important to have a marker and a place for people to visit even though I am going to be cremated. I like cemeteries though and wonder how many others feel this way?”
“I personally do not need a marker or grave to go to, they (deceased) stay in my heart & mind.”
Next time let’s talk about: Grand funerals – I want to go out in style! Spiritual experience of dying. Like to discuss home funerals and green burials. How to have a good death vs. a bad death.
The next Denver Death Café will be Sunday, May 18th from 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. at Olinger Hampden Mortuary, 8600 E. Hampden, Denver, CO 80231 Please plan to arrive a few minutes early so we may begin promptly at 3:00. No RSVP required. See you there!
“Live every day as if it were your last, because one day you’ll be right.”
With Gratitude,
Anita Larson, Facilitator & Celebrant