June Denver Death Cafe Summary
A write up of Denver Death Cafe June 2014
By Anita Larson

Denver Death Café Summary
June 22, 2014
Many thanks to Michael Long with Fairmount Mortuary & Cemetery (independently owned and operated) for hosting the June Denver Death Cafe for the 3rd time this year and providing refreshments.
The conversation started with a teacher whose life had been threatened by a student. The student was suspended, but what could she do now? There have been so many school shootings and what is being done? Lots of good dialogue erupted about death, fears, awareness and being proactive.
A first-time attendee from a whole body donation program participated in the discussion and answered inquiries about the differences between whole body donation and organ donation. People wanted to know about what is done with the body, research and medical studies.
Another first-time attendee was a 14-year-old who was wise beyond her years. She said that she knows she is young, and she still thinks about leaving something behind when she dies. To know her life mattered to others, a legacy of sorts. You could have heard a pin drop in the brief silence that followed. Then, one woman spoke up and said, “You are already leaving something behind by just being here and having all of us listen to your words. You are very brave.”
A hospice nurse said there are gifts offered at the end of life. “Is it our fear or someone else’s fear?” There are lots of miracles in death.
“Life after death, that’s the big mystery. I believe my soul lives forever. You can come back if you want to or not.”
“Nothing is nothing to be afraid of. I don’t believe in life after death.”
“If there is nothing after death, that’s sad, but not scary. The way some people suffer for years, that is sad and scary.”
“What will our belief systems tell us say 50 years from now? Just have one that will sustain you. It doesn’t matter what belief system you have.”
“Write down your medical decisions for end-of-life care. Make sure someone knows about these, especially your medical Power of Attorney. And also tell someone outside of your family. The first step is talking about it, the next step is getting it in writing.”
Further dialogue included: death clock, near death experience sites, medicare, accepting death as part of life, your right to make healthcare decisions.
One word describing your experience at the Denver Death Café: interesting, open-minded, comforting, informative, inspiring, powerful, helpful, unveiled, accepting, enlightening, pondering, surprising, useful, enriching, different, medicating and hopeful!
After the Death Café a few people stayed for a brief, historic cemetery tour that highlighted some interesting people and their fascinating stories. One family gravesite has it’s own sprinkler system and lifetime gardener. There are trees growing there that don’t grow anywhere else in Colorado. That’s another tour offered – the Aboretum Tour and many of the trees are identified with plaques. This cemetery is 120 years old so there is lots of history here! Thank you to Jim Cavuto and Michael Long for giving us a glimpse of Fairmount’s history.
There is another Death Café facilitated by Nancy English called Metro Denver Death Café. I have been getting lots of emails from folks who are confused about which Death Café they are attending and where. The Denver Death Café facilitated by Anita Larson meets monthly on a Sunday from 3-4:30 p.m. – locations vary. At each gathering we average about 30 attendees. The one you’ve seen in the media and heard on Colorado Public Radio is the Denver Death Café. We are also on Facebook and Pinterest where information is posted about upcoming gatherings. Hope this helps to clarify as other Death Cafes begin to sprout up around Denver.
The next Denver Death Café will be Sunday, July 20th from 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. at Heflebower Funeral Services, 8955 S. Ridgeline Blvd. Ste. 100, Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Please plan to arrive a few minutes early so we may begin promptly at 3:00. No RSVP required.
“Talking about death leads to a good life.”
With Gratitude,
Anita Larson, Facilitator & Celebrant
When will the next one be held after the 20 Julyth event? I want to attend but cannot on the 20th.
Posted by Linda Lee Babcock