Death Cafe Hong Kong in a hot summer day
A write up of Death Cafe Hong Kong
By Carmen Yau
Lizzy Miles from Death Cafe Columbus and Megan Mooney from Death Cafe St. Joe recently visited Hong Kong to take part in the International Conference on Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society presenting on Death Cafe. This coincided with the first ever Death Cafe in Hong Kong hosted by Ms. Pearl Tse, Ms. Carmen Yau, & Dr. Andy Ho.
You can read more it here >>

It's our third cafe in HK but the first time we hosted it without attaching to other events! Though not many coming this time, we still treasure so much the time we've spent together exploring the death and life stories and issues in such a friendly and supportive space. That's what Death Cafe meant to be! We need your support in making this movement going ~ let's learn about life fully through facing death truely!
Are there any meetings of
"Death Cafe" in Hong Kong?
I would be interested in attending such a meeting.
Posted by Bryn Williamson
Hello Death Cafe HK! I am writing an article on the Death Positive movement and would love to speak to someone from the HK cafe. I have tried to get a contact through the FB page a number of times without success - can anyone help me? Thanks!
Posted by Tanja Wessels