Carmel Death Cafe in Indiana
A write up of Carmel Death Cafe in Indiana
By evoci

On Sunday October 19th, the Death Cafe met with 12 attending. There was much discussion of suicide and assisted suicide inspired by a 29 year old woman named Brittany who has chosen to end her life next month as the result of being diagnosed with a virulent form of brain cancer.
Our gathering was enhanced with a gluten free dessert and fresh fruit; evaluation comments included responses to the question "What was the most enjoyable aspect of the Cafe?"
- It is inspiring to talk to others
- Our participation
- Enjoyed topic starter and how the conversation just flowed
- Open conversation about a difficult subject
- Safe enviroment to discuss death and enjoy hearing people share their insights
- Intimate sharing and being with like-minded people
- I am veryglad to have come today and enjoyed wisdom and insights of the group
Next Cafe will be held on Sunday Nov.16 from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm.