Carmel Death Cafe in Indiana
A write up of Carmel Death Cafe in Indiana
By evoci

The gathering was held on the Winter Solstice, Sunday afternoon, Dec 21, 2014. Participants were asked to describe the most enjoyable aspect of the Cafe they responded:
"the openness" "hearing others' thoughts and comments which help me see things differently and listening to everyone, I love the descriptor 'intimate'";"the exchange of ideas and theories"; "sharing - everyone seemed comfortable in participating";"the casual atmosphere";"the sense of community we have with one another";"the sharing of stories";and "the open forum with whole group participation."
A warm and caring sense of community was remarked upon by several people and one person who was attending for the first time wrote "this far surpassed my expectations."
As the facilitator, I am deeply grateful for the experiences of the Death Cafes since we bgan in July. Plans for the coming year are to extend the length of our meeting time to two hours per feedback from attendees.
Happy Holidays!
Elaine Voci, Ph.D.